Now expanding into the UK market! Make contact to find out what we can do to get you heard!

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How to get the best out of Radio Advertising



How to get the best out of Radio Advertising: from both a messaging and a media strategy perspective by Margie Knap, Senior Strategist at The MediaShop

Let’s face it; traditional media is here to stay. TV will always be part of our daily lives. It’s the wind down medium in the evening and the escapism of the daily grind. Out of home will always form part of the urban and rural landscape, it’s not going anywhere. And radio – the news jingle will always get us to reach for the volume button, our favourite song gets us singing along and we associate and empathize with DJ’s.

Radio has strong and enviable offerings: reach, immediacy, frequency, geographic targeting, day part targeting, language targeting. Turnaround time is fast and production can be relatively inexpensive.

So how do marketers get the most out of their radio campaign? Making radio work for your company requires strategy, skilled media buying and engaging creative.

But what makes a radio ad engaging?

The creative and media strategy process starts with a clear understanding of your brand, your audience and the targeted goals you wish to achieve – whether measured in cost per leads, cost per orders or just a bump in website traffic!

Let’s start with that dreaded phrase THE BRIEF – you may roll your eyes, but THE BRIEF is a necessary element for the success of each and every campaign.

Step One: The Creative Brief:

  • The clearer the brief, the better the messaging is likely to be.
  • Your ad is important to you, the marketer. Remember though – listeners don’t tune in to listen to ads. Listeners are busy and they are easily distracted.
  • You have limited seconds to get a message across – those first 10” are vital. If you don’t grab the attention within those first 10”, forget it.

Step Two: The Messaging Idea:

  • The idea must be clearly understood and stimulate and excite the audio senses to stir the imagination. There is no luxury of beautiful graphics and Instagram worthy pictures. Close your eyes and listen if it works.
  • We say that radio is the theatre of the mind, but don’t leave too much up to the listener’s imagination. People don’t want to work too hard to connect the dots.
  • The dialogue, the script, needs to be short, punchy and to the point and needs to engage the listener.
  • Be careful of direct translations in other languages, key messaging can be lost in translation. Roses are love to some people but mean death to others.
  • Cut through that clutter with a single-minded concept that stirs up emotions.
  • Where possible and appropriate make your messaging relevant to current and trending news issues, but tread carefully!
  • If you are giving away prizes, cash prizes are king.

 Step Three: Production Values and Cost:

  • Your creative agency needs to look for talent, new writers who understand and get radio. Voice talent for best messaging delivery.
  • Production is still relatively inexpensive so change the execution as often as required to keep your messaging fresh and keep it out of that all too dangerous “wallpaper” territory.
  • Be very wary of using too many voices as it can be a very costly exercise, eg 9 ALS stations with 2 voices per script = 18 voices!

And what are the media strategy guidelines?

 Step One: Media Penetration:

  • Radio is the ultimate mobile medium to reach captive commuters stuck in their vehicles, taxis, trains or buses.
  • Understand and tap into your target market’s listening habits, morning and afternoon commute, school lift time, school sports on Saturdays or gospel music on Sundays.
  • Understand the penetration of each radio station, each one has their regional strengths and weaknesses.
  • Don’t, just don’t, flight below required threshold (reach vs frequency) weights. If you do your message will not cut-through. So determine up front what your strategy is and what element is more important: lots of people vs lots of messages.

Step Two: Station and Target Market Match:

  • Choose a DJ to represent your brand based on your target market likes, not on your personal preferences. Stay on top of DJ line-ups.
  • Establish a definition of success: do you want to raise awareness; want sales or more feet through the door.

 Step Three: Cost of Radio:

  • Don’t just think about cost per thousand or cost of reach. Think about creating a connection with your consumers.
  • Listeners love to be engaged, so look beyond the traditional 30” generic message : include competitions, live-reads, call-ins, event association, outside broadcasts and give-aways.

 Step Four: Radio 360:

  • Engagement, engagement, engagement.
  • Include a listener call to action to increase engagement with your brand.
  • Radio continues to evolve within a 360° space. Work with this and leverage all the assets that a station has to offer along with the on-air messaging.
  • Lastly, do not allow stations to “back-fit” you into their existing competitions. If they don’t work for you, make the stations work with you to deliver an exceptional campaign.

Final word, a great brief and effective media strategy led to the below award winning campaign:

Dove ‘Self-conscious’

Agency: Ogilvy & Mather London
Creatives: Simon Lotze, Miguel Nunes
Producers: Victoria Smith, Sarah Hall
Sound engineer: David Gritzman, Gramercy Park and H&O


VO: The more someone makes you think about your body, the harder it becomes to ignore.

Your tongue, for example. Usually, you hardly notice it’s there. But when I mention it, you can feel your tongue bumping against your lower front teeth. The tip’s just resting on them. You notice your tongue feels just a little too long for your mouth. And you notice it never really lies still. You move it about constantly, without thinking about it. Backwards and forwards. And from side to side. Suddenly, it feels strangely wet and heavy in your mouth, doesn’t it?

A few seconds ago, you hardly noticed your tongue. But just one message ensured you can’t stop thinking about it. Now imagine the hundreds of messages girls are exposed to every day, subtly changing the way they think about their bodies.

See how you can help at Dove. Be your beautiful self.



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Nfinity launches employee advocacy division, theIntern-ship


Some of a brand’s best advocates are its staff. A brand’s internal team knows their service or product inside out; they understand the company’s ethos, its values and messaging. With this in mind, Nfinity, the media innovation hub housing several platform-agnostic marketing and eventing offerings under its roof, has launched theIntern-ship, a company focused on employee advocacy programmes, a brand’s best mouthpiece.

This latest move by Nfinity cements the company as a major player in the influencer marketing sphere, with offerings now covering employees (theIntern-ship); micro-influencers (theSALT) and celebrity influencers (under the Webfluential license).

According to Managing Director Pieter Groenewald, theIntern-ship is a service that brands have been asking for, for some time. “As we became more entrenched in influencer marketing, the clearer it became that brands wanted to get their staff involved as advocates in their own brand campaigns. Staff utilise their own social media platforms where they have an existing trust base and relationship with their communities on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, depending on the brand requirements.”

Nfinity has created a programme designed to teach and inform staff of the power that their individual voices have in their own social influence spheres. The process takes people on a 12 month social journey and experience from beginning to end. Staffers are taught how to use their social media platforms more effectively to become brand advocates. “We even assist in creating individual accounts should the person not already be involved on a platform, like on LinkedIn for example,” explains Pieter.

“People with similar mind-sets, activities and lifestyles tend to naturally gather into communities, they speak a certain way, interact with each other uniquely and as such they don’t need to be taught this important skill – it’s automatic, it happens. What’s more, individuals trust each other within these communities, and the authenticity comes through,” he says.

Consumers within the brand advocate’s circle of influence are much more receptive and likely to engage with the content as it’s coming from a known person, a trusted person, not a corporate account which could, more than likely, be seen as an advert.

Over the course of the year, theIntern-ship makes use of an in-house algorithm to track and monitor employees’ content and engagement levels which encourage the competitive spirit amongst staff. Bronze, silver and gold medals are achieved at certain engagement levels and at different phases of each 12 month campaign.  Importantly, the media value that is generated from the employees’ effort is measured as part of the KPI’s of the programme.

“theIntern-ship allows brands to get front and centre with their customers, and let’s face it, we spend a huge amount of our time online, that’s where the conversation is happening, and brands want to be part of it,” says Pieter. “Our initial campaigns using employees on their own social media channels are showing engagement levels that are through the roof.”

“The beauty of theIntern-ship is the ability for brands or companies to punch way above their weight when it comes to marketing,” says Pieter, “and thanks to the mechanics of the programme a small independent business has as much opportunity to elevate its brand as a multinational does. In fact studies have shown that 25% of sales actually originate from ‘social selling’.”

For more information contact Pieter Groenewald at

The intern-ship

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PRC explains brand new ‘read’ currency and introduces Core Readers

Consumers are interacting with media content in more sophisticated ways, accessing content on multiple devices, and at any time. In light of this, a new reading currency was required to achieve an accurate measurement of reading behaviour across multiple platforms to enable the buying and selling of advertising.

“The outcome is PAMS (Publisher Audience Measurement Survey),” says Peter Langschmidt, consultant to the PRC (Publisher Research Council). “The most complete measurement of reader audiences, across all platforms, to inform effective advertising investment.”

The reading currency provides an innovative “Gold Standard” Reader Audience Measurement founded on global multi-country best practice, combined with 40 years of local trial and experience.

An important inclusion is a tighter new reading measure, in PAMS, known as Core readers. According to Langschmidt, this unique measurement developed by the PRC, is included to reduce the effects of memory decay inherent in the recency method, where the longer the issue period, the harder it is for respondents to remember whether they read the publication within the issue period. In other words, it is easy to remember a newspaper read yesterday, but it is much more difficult to remember if a monthly magazine was read four or five weeks ago.

To qualify as an “Average Issue” reader of a paper/print publication, a person has to have last read or paged through any copy of the publication within a period no longer than the issue period of that title. For example, to qualify as an average issue reader of a weekly print publication, a respondent has to have read or paged through an issue of that title within the past 7 days.

The Average Issue Readers (AIR) are arrived at using this “within issue period” recency method. Core Readers are calculated using a formula based approach called the FOR (Frequency Over Recency) methodology, which overlays frequency of reading (number of different issues normally read) on top of the traditional recency AIR. Many different approaches using time spent reading, origin of copy and other metrics were examined, but the ‘frequency of reading’ question provided the best solution as it reduces monthly magazine readers by more than it does dailies, where the recency method works better.

The table below shows the average reductions in PAMS 2017 between the recency method calculated AIR and CORE Readers.

Category Core Reduction vs AIR
Daily Newspapers -27%
Weekly/Weekend Newspapers -32%
Weekly Magazines -40%
Monthly Magazines -55%

The FOR method uses the number of issues frequency probability and multiplies these by the number of AIR readers at each frequency level as shown in the table below. For example, daily newspapers use a 5-issue frequency scale as there are five issues published from Monday to Friday.


 Frequency Group

Probability (A) AIR Readers (B) CORE Readers (AxB)
1 out of 5 Issues 0.2 120 24
2 out of 5 Issues 0.4 115 46
3 out of 5 Issues 0.6 95 57
4 out of 5 Issues 0.8 158 126
5 out of 5 Issues 1 212 212
Total Readers 700 465

“We’re confident that the new reading currency PAMS, and in particular the CORE readers measurement will provide an accurate reflection of reading behaviour across all platforms that the media industry can use in research and of course, the buying and selling of advertising,” concludes Langschmidt.

To find out more information regarding definitions and the questionnaire, please see: 

PAMS documentation and all bureau contacts are available on the PRC website at

For additional information and more in-depth data of titles, please make use of the PRC’s website or contact the PRC on 011 326 4041.

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Juanita du Plessis and her “barefoot kids” to perform at Emerald

Popular Afrikaans performer Juanita du Plessis and her two talented kids, Ruan Josh and Franja, have joined forces to create a new album “Kaalvoetkinners”. They will be performing at Emerald Resort & Casino on Saturday, 7 July 2018.This talented family will be performing songs from the album “Kaalvoetkinners” that features a few  new songs like “Why Me Lord”, “Carry Me Home” and “Amazing Grace” in addition to their older favourite hits.

“We are really looking forward to seeing this trio in the Vaal this July,” says Emerald Resort & Casino’s Events & Entertainment Manager Leolize Naidoo. “Juanita is a firm favourite amongst our Afrikaans audience and we know she won’t disappoint.”

Kaalvoetkinners in die Vaal:

Where:                        Emerald Resort & Casino’s Emerald Arena

When:              Saturday, 7 July 2018

Time:               Doors open at 18h00

Costs:              R150 – R350 per person

General and Golden circle tickets are available from Computicket. 

To view these and other Resort promotions, events and more, visitors to Emerald Resort & Casino are encouraged to stay close to the Resort’s Facebook and Twitter pages, or guests can visit for more information on any of the promotions mentioned here.

Emerald Resort & Casino is a licensed gambling venue. Winners know when to stop. Only persons over 18 are permitted to gamble. National Problem Gambling Counselling Toll Free Helpline 0800 006 008.

Emerald Resort & Casino.

Tel:                              016 982 8000





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Bad date? Just ‘Run Away’!

Not every date goes well! Bad dates happen and sometimes, escape is required. Primedia Unlimited’s TLC provided the perfect environment to communicate humorous snippets on how to escape ‘those’ situations in many relevant environments.

“Diesel Jeans recently briefed TLC Media to run a one month campaign in various environments for the launch of their new jeans – JoggJeans,” says Greg Bruwer, TLC’s Managing Director. “The campaign communicates the many ways one can escape a bad date in relevant environments, reinforcing the Diesel collection of jeans ‘so comfortable you’ll forget you’re wearing them’, even at top speed!”

In order to communicate to the consumer at every possible turn and touch point, Bad Date Survival Tips were placed as decals on change room mirrors in selected Edgars stores and the washrooms of selected shopping malls. These offered advice on many funny ways to escape from an awkward date.

In order to target a wide range of people, the campaign was extended into spaces beyond the Diesel stores and selected shopping malls. TLC presented Diesel’s Bad Date Survival Tips to people in spaces where bad dates happen all the time, like in restaurants and bars through mirror decals and backlit mirror frames.Including the JoggJeans campaign in a gym is perhaps a surprising but a completely natural choice when one thinks about it.  20 Planet Fitness Gyms provided additional outlets to the campaign through to use of A4 frames. While gym-goers were pumping iron or training, they were presented with a Survival Tip and the classic “or just run in Diesel JoggJeans” call to action line.“This was a fun and well executed campaign for Diesel JoggJeans,” concludes Bruwer. “It just confirms that washroom advertising can be fashionable and entertaining at the same time!”


TLC Unlimited

TLC (Targeted Lifestyle Communication) introduced the concept of washroom advertising to the South African market in 1996, and has since become the sole player in this media arena offering a plethora of in-mall and washroom advertising platforms such as standard and talking frames, cubicle wraps and treadmill branding to mention a few. More recently, TLC has expanded its portfolio to include a number of new businesses which are housed in TLC Unlimited (under Primedia Unlimited) namely TLC; Salon Media; TLC Mobile; Fitting Exposure (FashionCam) and Fotoactiv. Visit or for more.

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It’s back – by popular demand – Soulful Sundays at Emerald

Add some Spice and Soul on Sundays! Soul Sundays at Emerald Resort & Casino’s family restaurant Breeze has been reintroduced after many requests to bring back this popular Sunday afternoon favourite. “It’s all about spending quality time with the family,” says Emerald Resort & Casino’s Marketing Executive Tanuja Gangabishun. “What better way than to kick back and enjoy a South African ‘braai’ combined with exceptional live entertainment!”

Guests to Emerald Resort & Casino recognise this popular family restaurant for, amongst other things, great pizzas, personnel service and gourmet burgers. Soul Sundays brings back the traditional ‘braai’ and happens every last Sunday of the month from 15h00 – 19h00 at Breeze. This laid back afternoon is the perfect way to get ready for the week ahead!

Soul Sundays at Breeze

When: Every last Sunday of the month

Where: Emerald Resort & Casino’s Breeze Restaurant

Time: 15h00 to 19h00

Cost: R100/adult, R50/child (kids under 8)

“Expect a fun afternoon out for the whole family, with good music and tasty food at a great local venue. Of course, it goes without saying that the kids are welcome – we have ample space for them to play,” concludes Tanuja. “We look forward to seeing everyone on the 27th May at Breeze.”

To view these and other Resort promotions, events and more, visitors to Emerald Resort & Casino are encouraged to stay close to the Resort’s Facebook and Twitter pages, or guests can visit for more information on any of the promotions mentioned here.

Emerald Resort & Casino is a licensed gambling venue. Winners know when to stop. Only persons over 18 are permitted to gamble. National Problem Gambling Counselling Toll Free Helpline 0800 006 008.

Emerald Resort & Casino.

Tel:                              016 982 8000






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Olav Westphal is the ABF’s new President

After serving on the ABF (Advertising Benevolent Fund) executive board for three years, SPARK Media’s Olav Westphal has been named President of the fund by fellow EXCO members.

Olav takes over the reins from John Bowles who served as Acting President and President of the ABF for over nine years. The fund exists to offer short term assistance to members of the advertising and media industry who have fallen on hard times.

With the exception of a few paid officials which include a treasurer and two social workers, all serve in an entirely voluntary capacity. While the fund is based in Johannesburg, regional branches administer local aspects of the ABF’s work in Durban. The organisation is in the process of re-establishing a presence in Cape Town.

“We are currently recruiting fresh talent onto the EXCO and are reviving several fund raising and networking opportunities that will take place throughout the year,” says Olav. “The first event, a lawn bowls based fundraiser, has already taken place and we’re looking forward to hosting media agencies, creative agencies and marketers at future events.

We encourage media and creative agencies to get involved and support an organisation that looks after our own community. It could be any one of us in need one day.”

For more information on fundraisers contact

Keep up to date with ABF news on Facebook, Twitter or

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Relativ Media Large Format purchases Graffiti

In a watershed move for the business, Brett Tucker, Chairman of Relativ Media Large Format, has announced the outright purchase of Graffiti Media. MD Richard Wilkinson and his team have already joined the Relativ Media Large Format team, to become renamed Relativ Impact, at their new offices in Sandton.

“Relativ Media has experienced a fantastic growth spurt over the last few years and with the addition of the Graffiti Media solution, our advertisers are spoilt for choice with high impact sites and media platforms across South Africa. Richard Wilkinson will take over the MD position of Relativ Impact,” says Brett.

Richard adds: “The purchase of Graffiti by Relativ Media Large Format was a natural progression for us. Being able to utilise a strong national sales team and Relativ’s existing infrastructure is a massive bonus. Added to that, and under the guidance of Andrew Cooper as National Sales Director, we have a winning combination to really ramp up our business offering.”

Wilkinson has more than twenty years in the media industry, beginning in radio and running his own media consultancy before establishing Impact Media with Graffiti Designs in 2005. “The opportunity arose for Relative Media to acquire Graffiti Media in May 2018, one which made complete business sense,” says Richard. “As a combined entity my focus will be to develop the Relative Impact brand into one of the largest and most innovative out of home media companies in South Africa.”

The Relativ Impact company currently has digital properties including airports, 180 out of home sites and eight digital sites countrywide. Coupled to this, several new and innovative platforms are planned for the near future. “This acquisition has significantly strengthened our sales force and amped up our overall leadership team, each holding their own areas of expertise in the industry. We’re confident that we have a bright future ahead,” says Brett.

For more information contact Richard Wilkinson on

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A royal scoop for rooi rose!

Caxton Magazine’s rooi rose, the number one Afrikaans monthly magazine in the country, has secured a royal scoop second to none.Her Serene Highness Princess Charlène of Monaco is gracing the June 2018 cover of rooi rose magazine. The Princess’s sister-in-law, Chantell Wittstock, contacted the magazine’s deputy editor, Hannelie Diedericks, in the beginning of the year to inform the publication that the normally camera-shy Princess would shortly visit South Africa and would love to be on the cover of rooi rose magazine. The rooi rose team jumped at the opportunity and set the wheels in motion to organise a cover shoot fit for a princess.

“It was an unforgettable experience and a great honour for us,” says rooi rose editor Martie Pansegrouw. “Princess Charlène arrived with a full security team as well as her attorney present on the shoot but she was absolutely divine and down to earth. This special feature takes up eight pages in the June issue, understandably we’ve allocated more space than usual to this specific piece.

We were thrilled that Princess Charlène’s family specifically requested to be featured in our publication – her Serene Highness felt that the Afrikaans market is incredibly strong in South Africa and more aligned to her,” says Martie.

rooi rose boasts a circulation of just under 70 000 and a monthly readership of 596 000. The magazine has a 78% female readership with a racial split of 39% white, 31% black and 30% coloured/Indian – the majority (58%) of who are in the LSM 7-10 income bracket.

“The first task of the shoot was to ensure that rooi rose’s dream team was available to deliver the flawless cover photographs that rooi rose is known for,” adds Pansegrouw. “Photographer Leana Clunies-Ross who has been photographing rooi rose covers for over 10 years and is our number one choice for her exquisite lighting and intrinsic ability to make the most nervous cover model feel beautiful and at ease in front of the camera.”

Stylist Riaan Hulley, make-up artist Adelle Jung and hairstylist-to-the-stars, Saadique Ryklief, were immediately secured to ensure that every detail would be taken care of for the perfect results.

An understated, chic black and white colour palette was deliberately chosen to complement the Princess’s natural beauty and elegance.  Local and international designers such as Gert-Johan Coetzee, Anel Botha, Stefania Morland, Jacques Lagrange, Erre Fashion, Kat van Duinen, Hugo Boss, Michael Kors, Suzaan Heyns, Pichulik, Max Mara, Chopard, Cartier and Bulgari were thrilled to supply their finery for this occasion. Beautiful furniture from Weylandts provided the backdrop for some of the photographs. The exquisite dresses of Erre Fashion particularly caught the Princess’s eye and even went home with a few of their pieces after the shoot. Subsequently the Princess has invited the Erre design duo consisting of Natasha Jaume and Carina Louw to Monaco later in the year.The bright and airy Light Station Studio in Bryanston was the perfect venue for the shoot. Large enough to host a princess’s entourage (including strapping bodyguards and the blue-light brigade courtesy of the SAPS), a TV-crew from Bravo! on kykNET, and an excited rooi rose team – all ready to start shooting!  The Princess was a natural in front of the camera. Her Serene Highness’ athletic grace, glowing skin and expressive blue eyes made every shot a masterpiece.

“We’re absolutely thrilled with the end result and can’t wait to see the issue on shelves,” says Martie. “We’re confident that our advertisers and readers alike will enjoy the issue almost as much as we enjoyed putting it together.”

Don’t miss the June 2018 rooi rose (on sale from 14 May – 10 June) to read our exclusive, candid interview with the Princess and feast your eyes on gorgeous photographs of the rarely photographed royal. Also featured in the issue are articles delving into dating after 50, a topical look at an unsolved murder and how to be a good boss.

Visit for a behind-the-scenes look and don’t miss *Bravo! (on kykNET channel 144 on DSTV) to see what went down on the day of the shoot. *This Bravo! episode airs on Sunday 13 May at 19:30 on kykNET channel 144 on DSTV with repeats on the following Monday at 10:00 and 22:30, Tuesday at 00:30, Wednesday at 12:00, Thursday at 16:00 and Friday at 15:00.Captions for photographs:The team: From behind, left to right: Hannelie Diedericks (deputy editor), Adelle Jung (make-up), Melissa-Jade Myburgh (assistant), Saadique Ryklief (hair), Michelle Nortje (assistant), Tracey Lange (Bravo!), Leana Clunies-Ross (photographer), Elsa Kruger (journalist), Riaan Hulley (stylist), Her Serene Highness Princess Charlène of Monaco, Martie Pansegrouw (editor).

Erre fashion: From left to right: Carina Louw (Erre), Her Serene Highness Princess Charlène of Monaco, Natasha Jaume (Erre).For more information contact Martie Pansegrouw (Editor)

Caxton Magazines DNA

Storytelling is our business. Content is our currency. Caxton Magazines is a division of Caxton CTP Printers & Publishers and houses 12 brands in print and digital formats, primarily aimed at the women’s lifestyle segment across life stages, lifestyles and income groups. These brands are: Vrouekeur; Woman & Home; Bona; Living & Loving; People; Food & Home Entertaining; Your Family; Garden & Home; Farmer’s Weekly; Essentials; Rooi Rose and SA Country Life. Visit

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Emerald champions hygiene at Gauteng Netball Championship

At the recent Gauteng Netball championships held in Sedibeng, Emerald Resort & Casino took care of all the contestant’s hygiene needs by donating 254 ‘health packs’.

“After partnering with the Sedibeng Netball Federation, we jumped at the opportunity to assist with providing sanitary towels to the players,” says Emerald Resort & Casino’s Marketing Executive Tanuja Gangabishun. “We know that female hygiene products are not that easy to come by and we are so pleased to be able to assist.” “The Emerald CSI committee thought that it would be a good gesture to add products that most ladies will use,” confirms Gloria Mokoana, Learning & Development Manager at Emerald Resort & Casino. “We firmly believe that hygiene in the community comes first and decided to add to the request by adding bath soaps, toothbrush and toothpaste.  We wanted to give the ladies something that they can take home and be able to use for some time.”

This was the first time the netball championship was hosted in Sedibeng at the Isak Steyl Stadium, Vanderbijlpark. The championship is the premium netball competition in Gauteng Province allowing young girls and women to showcase their talents with an opportunity to be selected to represent Gauteng Province at a national level.“We, as a company, are always enthusiastically supporting our local community and look forward to seeing many local girls being selected for the higher netball levels,” concludes Tanuja.

Emerald Resort & Casino is a licensed gambling venue. Winners know when to stop. Only persons over 18 are permitted to gamble. National Problem Gambling Counselling Toll Free Helpline 0800 006 008.

Emerald Resort & Casino.

Tel:                              016 982 8000





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