Now expanding into the UK market! Make contact to find out what we can do to get you heard!

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The Rise Of eGaming

Prince Ndlovu, Media Strategist at The MediaShop

eGaming has been a massive sports and leisure pastime around the world, even creating instant millionaires and businesses in the process. All this has been driven by easy access to the internet. Tournaments around the world are commanding around 172,000 fans that attend these online events and around 60 million people watching a tournament via online streaming services.

eGamers are generally gaming lovers between the ages of 18-30, predominantly residing in metropolitan areas.

Bringing it locally, South Africa is no different. With fibre and internet access becoming more and more accessible in the country, we have started to tap into gaming communities around the world. It has become a way of life for many South African gamers who are earning a living from eGaming. Brands and businesses are noticing this trend, leading to increased investment into this platform. For example, brands like East Coast Radio and Jacaranda FM have partnered with eGaming platform Mega8.

The increased affordability of smartphones can be seen as another of the reasons that eGaming has taken off so quickly in South Africa. Telecommunication companies like MTN have tapped into the gaming culture and see it as an important part of their digital service offerings. The cellular provider has developed a platform called MTN Gamer+, which provides smartphone gamers with a world full of games to explore for a small subscription fee.

SuperSport even has a dedicated channel to eGaming. This allows electronic sports to be accessible all over the country to drive interest into this growing culture. The channel is called Ginx eport on channel 240 on DStv bouquet. It showcases the latest tournaments, game reviews and upcoming gaming trends. Between January and February 2019, it had a viewership of 2,174,000 viewers. The consumer profile is 76% black, 63% male, 52% age 15-34 and fall into the upper class (SEM 9-10) of the population.

There are a number of current gaming tournaments and expo’s such as Rage, Icon, Geek Fest and Rush that take place around South Africa which introduce eGaming to all gaming lovers. Sports teams like Orlando Pirates have also started a team competing in eGaming tournaments locally and abroad in FIFA tournament, reiterating the growing popularity of this pastime.

These are macro-communities worth billions of Rands that can no longer be ignored.

Wanna play?

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The Fortuner has been won at Emerald!


Since the start of the Find your Fortune promotion in February, Emerald Resort & Casino has given away over R1 million in cash and prizes, including the Toyota Fortuner 2.4 GD-6 RB valued at over R480 000 and created 95 new winners.

Last night, at the final evening of the Find your Fortune casino promotion at Emerald Resort & Casino, local Vanderbijlpark resident, Estelle Kapp, drove off the property with her brand-new Toyota Fortuner. Over the period of the promotion, a total of nine finalists were drawn after they earned 50 points or more during a Wednesday to Wednesday period to earn one ticket into the draw.“Not only did Estelle drive off with a brand-new Toyota Fortuner 2.4 GD-6 RB valued at over R480 000, but on Wednesday night at the final we also handed out cash to the value of R55 000 and Free Play to the value of R72 500 to multiple winners,” says Tanuja Gangabishun, Marketing Executive at Emerald Resort & Casino.

The casino floor was packed with an air of great anticipation and quiet descended with the nine finalists holding their breath as the winning ticket was selected. As the name was announced, the beaming face of Estelle emerged from the crowd to take ownership of the keys.

“It’s absolutely overwhelming and the timing could not have been better as I really needed a new car. WOW, I now own a Fortuner,” exclaims Estelle. “I only had seven tickets in the draw and wasn’t really expecting this, but one can dream. Thank you, Emerald Resort & Casino!”“We look forward to introducing our new casino promotion Moving on Up and making more guests winners again,” concludes Tanuja.

For up to date information and happenings at Emerald Resort & Casino, visitors are encouraged to stay close to their Facebook and Twitter pages, or guests can visit for more information on any of the events mentioned here.

Emerald Resort & Casino is a licensed gambling venue. Winners know when to stop. Only persons over 18 are permitted to gamble. National Problem Gambling Counselling Toll Free Helpline 0800 006 008.

Emerald Resort & Casino.

Tel:                              016 982 8000





Open post evolves into a fully multi-function automotive platform

Everyone knows the brand, everyone has seen or read or perused the magazine! CAR magazine, a South African heritage brand, established over 60 years ago, has now evolved its online platform, even further to suit prevailing South African market conditions.CAR is Southern Africa’s leading multimedia automotive consumer brand and it’s growing even further by partnering with the industry to meet South Africa’s motoring demands. In the latest development, media groups like Caxton are coming together to exponentially expand the reach of the platform and make the new CARmag platform the largest and most trusted motoring product of its kind.

South Africa has one of the most competitive automotive trading environments in the world with 53 passenger car brands and 3,236 model derivatives, representing the widest choice to market-size ratio anywhere in the world. As the largest manufacturing sector in South Africa’s economy, vehicle and component production accounted for 30.1% of the country’s manufacturing output in 2017. Together Caxton, CAR magazine and other key players have come together, shared resources and knowledge to offer dealers affordable solutions and offers consumers informative options while accepting the responsibility to mend the disruption that has been caused in the market.

By adding the resources of Caxton Automotive to the strong CAR magazine brand, the new website will consist of a unique array of offerings to its users. This includes professional editorial content produced by the CAR magazine expert journalists and vehicle specialists, generic new car module offerings, special deals on new and used vehicles and dealership demo modules.

Advertising is available through highly targeted DMX Banners located on specific high traffic pages while the CAR Dealer Directory will become the most comprehensive and user-friendly automotive directory in South Africa covering all types of dealerships offering personalised profiles populated with inventory and navigation to service centres, spare parts centres and workshops.

Marc Scott, CEO at Vehicle Traders comments, “It’s been inspiring to develop this platform with our exceptional CAR magazine team. The new platform is the innovative and evolutionary product of this collaboration between forward thinking media groups and key industry role-players offering an intrinsic understanding of motoring South Africa. We have met the dealer network requirements and given the public world class content from their most loved motoring brand … CAR.”

“We believe that this platform will be the leading multimedia automotive marketplace for enthusiasts, buyers and sellers of vehicles and related products and services in South Africa, and be recognised as South Africa’s leading multimedia automotive consumer brand,” says Caxton Digital’s Group Marketing Manager, Sharlee Moriarty. “A larger audience and a holistic marketing and advertising solution can be reached by combining newspaper, magazine and online platforms under the CAR brand.”

Terence Steenkamp, Editor of CAR, further adds, “CAR has defined automotive media for more than six decades and, with this partnership, we’re excited that even more consumers will be exposed to this experienced magazine team’s insights and knowledge. That, in turn, will allow them to make informed purchasing decisions while browsing through the extensive vehicle listings under the CARmag umbrella. It’ll be a one-stop shop for all things automotive!”

This full multi-function automotive platform will highlight new cars, test them and rate them while offering the public a conduit to find great deals. It’s one website that houses only the best in quality content, vehicle listings, dealer directory and related products and services and as always – the authoritative voice in South African motoring.


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New ROOTS 2019 has grown

The largest, most robust, quantitative community survey of urban South Africa, providing insights for marketers about people, their behaviours, activities, shopping, reading and path to purchase habits, ROOTS, launches its latest set of results in June.

The ROOTS survey provides single source information from over 27 000 randomly selected face-to-face interviews across many South African urban communities, using a proven, credible methodology while being more detailed than any other such survey in South Africa.

“Along with the inclusion of new industry metrics like SEM’s plus LSM’s, we’ve added new areas across the country, included more categories and even added questions on game- changers like Uber and Gautrain,” says Debbie McIntyre, Marketing Services and Research Director SPARK Media.

“ROOTS 2019 insights, will enable marketers and advertisers to understand who their market is, how they’ve changed, where they live and shop, how they behave and how to reach them.”

 As well as the traditional categories like Food and Groceries, Auto, Appliances, Home Accessories, Clothing, Shopping Centres, DIY, Travel, Finance and Insurance, more detail has been added on Health and Wellbeing, Buying/Renting a Home, Loyalty Cards, Mobility including ‘how’ and ‘how far’ consumers are willing to travel to shop. Other additions include connectivity, entertainment (yes, even Streaming) and even data on some life milestones too.

The real win for users is that this trendable big data set can be analysed at a combined big, broad picture level or distilled down to community by community detail providing opportunities for marketers looking for changes, differences and gaps.

“As digital technology integrates itself in all parts of life, we have included these options as they relate to peoples search, shopping, entertainment and reading behaviour too,” concludes Debbie.

“Since its inception in the 1980’s, the ROOTS research methodology provides a national snapshot that is designed to enable detailed analysis and decision making at a local level, and we are excited to continue to build on this proven data set that is so critical for marketers.

Watch this space, #ROOTS2019 is coming!”

For more on SPARK Media, visit our website and follow us on social media @sparkmediasa.


Established in 2015, SPARK Media, a division of CTP Ltd, are experts in retail and location based marketing solutions. The company owns and represents an arsenal of print products that deliver locally relevant, effective audiences for advertising clients. SPARK Media are Strategic Partners in Audience Research and Knowledge and offer ‘Insights that Ignite’.

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Make Easter unforgettable at Emerald!

From the sounds of little feet running around Emerald Resort & Casino taking part in the Great Easter Egg Hunt to a quiet evening stroll through Animal World or even a fun family Easter Doggy Walk, this year, Easter is all about family fun at the Resort.“This year we’re definitely doing a few different family fun activities over the Easter long weekend,” says Tanuja Gangabishun, Marketing Executive at Emerald Resort & Casino. “Guests are invited to help prepare Easter Sunday treats for our animals and to experience the nocturnal side of Animal World, Emerald is definitely the place to be these Easter holidays!”

The Easter Night Walk will take place at Animal World on Friday 19 April from 18h00 to 21h30. The walk offers guests the unique experience of exploring many animals, not just the nocturnal ones, that tend to take refuge from the heat during the day. Take advantage of the cooler evenings to spot favourite animals like wolves, chinchillas, raccoons and many more.

What about a fun walk for the entire family where even the furry family members are invited? From 08h00 to 11h45 on Sunday 21 April, the 2,4km Doggy Walk will be taking place. Register, from 08h00, at the grassy area in front of the Hotel. Loads of prizes, a raffle draw and doggy competitions on offer to participants.

Kids have “right of way” from 12h00 to 16h00 as the Great Easter Egg Hunt takes place on the hotel grass area. “We love watching their excited little faces as they rush around during this annual Easter egg hunt,” says Tanuja. Meet in the Piazza area at 12 for registration. The first 300 registrations receive a free voucher for the Easter photo booth.

Don’t forget about the Easter Sunday Market from 09h00 to 18h00! It’s all about celebrating LOCAL. Local mouth-watering food, local produce and locally made items for sale.

“Add live entertainment, chocolate corners, a beer garden, special breakfasts and giveaways into the mix and it’s a weekend that can’t be missed,” concludes Tanuja. “We look forward to welcoming our guests and here’s to making unforgettable memories at Emerald Resort & Casino, quality family time and just plain fun this Easter.”

For up to date information and happenings at Emerald Resort & Casino, visitors are encouraged to stay close to their Facebook and Twitter pages, or guests can visit for more information on any of the events mentioned here.

Emerald Resort & Casino.

Tel:                              016 982 8000





Open post

New media research structures and surveys tentatively embraced by industry

Towards the end of last year, Kuper Research conducted a survey amongst individuals in the media and advertising industry for the Publisher Research Council (PRC). The objective was to determine and measure perceptions of the new JIC’s vs SAARF, and to determine whether new media research is meeting the needs of users and to ascertain what changes can be made to improve its usefulness.

 “The response rate was very encouraging,” states Lauren Shapiro, from Kuper Research. “We received feedback from advertisers, media agencies and print media owners on their perceptions of how the PRC and PAMS are doing. The responses came mostly from individuals with extensive industry experience and with high levels of familiarity with PAMS.  Importantly, around 6 in 10 had actually used the data and were therefore knowledgeable about the usage of the information therein.”

“As a Joint Industry Council (JIC) for all reading platforms we need to know that we are providing the media and advertising industry with research that is credible, useful and that assists planners in making the right advertising investment to maximise returns,” states Peter Langschmidt, consultant to the PRC.

The research highlighted that that the industry is still in transition, with a spread of opinions as to whether the new multi JIC era research is better than the old SAARF days.  

The survey also required respondents to assess SAARF vs. the current JICs (where they felt they could), by the elements of credibility of the research product’s usefulness, meeting advertiser needs, communication and industry relations.

“In terms of our primary study PAMS, the readership results are believed to be more realistic and believable than they were in AMPS, which is encouraging as we have put a lot of effort into this, especially with world first measures such as core readers which mathematically adjusts readership overclaims inherent in the recency method,” says Langschmidt.

While there is still some level of discomfort among some agencies with regard to the possibility of bias in media research conducted by media owners, the agencies nonetheless seem to be confident that the JICs are trustworthy and are supplying them with credible data.

One of the most interesting findings, was the definitions advertisers were using to define their target markets. There is a spread between Income, LSM’s and SEM’s. This spread again shows that we are an industry in transition.

“Brand defined target markets are unquestionably the best,” says Langschmidt and will deliver an 8-15% greater ROI to advertisers. “It astounds me that brand defined target markets are only used by 38% of advertisers. Our PAMS survey with a sample of 17,000 and over 3,000 brands is far and away the largest sample with over 2,500 more brands than any other media study in South Africa.

We would like to thank every person that responded. Even though there were some concerns highlighted, we will be addressing these this year. The summation would be “cautious optimism” that the PRC seem to be on the right track, but there is always room for improvement.”

For a copy of this study, or any of the other research commissioned by the PRC, please visit the media library section of the PRC’s website at



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Nfinity Group partners with Brand Game Shows

In an exciting new venture for its stable of media companies, The Nfinity Group, headed by media entrepreneur Ken Varejes enters the Television and Radio broadcast spheres. The company is proud to announce a new partnership with an innovative consumer engagement broadcaster in the form of the Brand Game Shows and its creator Craig Clay-Smith. Nfinity and Clay-Smith share a common vision and passion for media innovation and the Big Brand TV Show together with a new radio extension, The Lucky Listener Radio Show are unique media, with interactive brand focused television and radio game shows, that are synergistically supported with print, and/or online and social media platforms.

 To reach a total cross section of the South African consumer market, The Big Brand TV Show enters the DSTV Bouquet family, featuring six shows a week, two each across the MNET, Mzansi Magic and KykNet channels. Lucky Listener launches on East Coast Radio and Jacaranda, where collectively the two shows will give away over R4-million in cash prizes annually. “We see these interactive, broadcast brands as a perfect fit for our strategic sales mix and vision for unique media solutions that we already offer,” says Ken Varejes, Group CEO of Nfinity Media.

The partnership allows Nfinity Media to leverage their unique sales expertise to deliver highly effective and value-based media packages to the market. The incredible value proposition of the show engages consumers across the entire viewer or listener spectrum when the on-air presenter asks a viewer or listener, targeted, brand or value-centric questions. Correct answers are rewarded with cash whilst simultaneously consumers are educated on the key intrinsic values or sales propositions of a variety of brands.

“The Big Brand TV and Lucky Listener shows make perfect sense at Nfinity as cross-over support for a brand’s traditional media mix, providing engagement, feedback and market intelligence,” says Ken. “The first consumer interaction with the brand for TV is weekly across some of the biggest print titles in South Africa; Huisgenoot, You and Drum, initiating a two-way communication stream.” On radio the shows are driven through the station’s own web site while both platforms are supported through online and intensive social media campaigns.

The Brand Game Show will be represented in Johannesburg’s Nfinity offices by Justin van Alphen, an experienced New Business Sales Developer with more than a decade of experience. Justin has been named Portfolio Sales Manager of the year 2016-2017, Media24 Sales Manager 2016-2017 and Sales Innovator of the year 2016-2017.

“We welcome our latest partnership with Craig and Justin and we know that we have a solid and innovative offering that brands haven’t truly maximised yet on TV and radio,” says Ken.

 Nfinity DNA

Headed by entrepreneur Ken Varejes as CEO, Nfinity is the latest innovation hub to land in the media, marketing and eventing fields. Nfinity is poised as a space for entrepreneurs to grow and better their businesses under the guidance of Ken and his growing management team, each a specialist in their own field. Nfinity currently has established shareholding and presence including in the following companies: AdColony, theSALT, Reveel, Whisky Live, Whizzky App, Orange Block, , theIntern-Ship, Brand a Tuk Tuk, Nfinity Digital and Brand Game Shows.

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Scotland comes to Emerald!

On Saturday 6 April 2019, the swing of kilts, the skirl of bagpipes echoing into the far reaches of the Vaal, the beat of drums and the taste of haggis will be coming to Emerald Resort & Casino as they host the Vaal Highland Gathering.“This is one of those days that is custom made for the entire family,” says Leolize Naidoo, Emerald Resort & Casino’s Events & Entertainment Manager. “The annual Vaal Highland Gathering has been happening for many years and this year we are pleased to be hosting the event for the first time.”

Experience the real taste of Scottish culture with traditional fare like Haggis, Black Pudding and Scotch Eggs and other treats that includes a Whisky Tasting, fast food stalls, Taste of Africa and a beer garden.

Live entertainment throughout the entire day will include many pipe bands from around the country competing in the season’s first competition, Highland Dancers and medieval sword fighting. Kids will enjoy the jumping castles, face painting, archery and pillow fights.

Venue:            Emerald Resort & Casino

Date:               Saturday, 6 April 2019

Time:               10h00 till late

Tickets:            R50 available at Computicket-

“Witness the traditional end to the day as the massed pipes and drums play crowd favourites like Scotland the Brave, Amazing Grace and Flower of Scotland,” concludes Leolize. “Get your kilts and sporrans on laddies and join us for a fun filled family day.”

For up to date information and happenings at Emerald Resort & Casino, visitors are encouraged to stay close to their Facebook and Twitter pages, or guests can visit for more information on any of the events mentioned here.

Emerald Resort & Casino.

Tel:                              016 982 8000





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The MediaShop empowers from within

South Africa’s top rated media agency, The MediaShop, is committed to the development of young media practitioners within the advertising space. The agency has been running an effective internship programme for a number of years and also tries to employ all of them on a permanent basis once they have completed the programme. On 1 March they had a new intake of ten interns across their JHB, Cape Town and Durban office.

Ayanda Mda, Park Advertising’s HR Manager, says that the graduates were selected from various institutions of higher learning before going through a stringent ‘Dragon’s Den’ style immersion workshop. Here they’re given a brief to create marketing and media plan which was presented to members of the management team. “From this workshop the top ten candidates were selected to join our programme,” she explains.

“The programme is 18 months long with the first twelve months dedicated to providing training on Media Buying and Planning, Strategy, Intelligence, OOH, Campaign Management and Digital Planning. Coupled with the training there is practical on-the-job exposure in the various business units where they will get to implement what they have learnt.”

Kgaugelo Maphai, Managing Director of The MediaShop Johannesburg adds: “I’m very proud of our intern programme and the fact that our organisation invests in it. Most companies run internship programmes for 6 to 12 months just to tick the box, but we go beyond by running a full 18 month programme to ensure these graduates get the grounding they need to succeed. We also give them a stipend of R7500 which is double what is expected of us. We are proud that our programme has over the years produced many black strategists, planners and buyers in the industry who were initially trained at The MediaShop and we are happy to see them succeed in the respective agencies they now work for.

We also have many interns that have subsequently returned to us because of the great working environment we have created over the years.  Our interns are also mentored by our senior staff who take great care of them and their progress, ensuring our new team members are learning and developing and have everything they need to succeed.”

The agency has several success stories on the back of its internship programme with former interns now permanently employed excelling on client portfolios like Tiger Brands, Nedbank, Multichoice, Famous Brands & Shoprite Checkers.

“Some of our media owner partners will also participate in this programme by providing them with exposure into their operations which will assist them in getting a better understanding of this ecosystem we work in,” says Ayanda.

Kgaugelo adds: “At the end of the first 12 months, successful interns we be placed in various roles within the business, based on their performance and their areas of strength, where they will work for the remaining six months of the programme. We believe we have amassed an amazing group of graduates with various competencies and capabilities and believe we can give them the foundation to develop their career paths by supporting them and giving them as much access to knowledge and tools so they can build sustainable careers within our company and industry.

“The MediaShop is committed to growing and nurturing young talent in the South African media industry and this programme provides a vehicle for us to do that. Implementing an internship is not about ticking a box for us, we are training for the future,” says Ayanda. “We live in a country with a high rate of unemployment and we believe that in our own small way, this programme creates a solution for youth unemployment in the country and contributes to the upliftment of our people.”

The MediaShop Cape Town’s Bonita Bachmann, echoes Kgaugelo and Ayanda’s sentiments: “The MediaShop’s internship programme is an excellent learnership platform – I have found that as early as three months in, interns are refining their communication and business skills, professionalism, reasoning ability and teamwork. The early exposure to professional mentors and line managers provide career exploration and advancement opportunity with constructive feedback and support,” she says.

From the mouths of Interns:

Sinazo Jayiya: Accuracy is very important when dealing with client information, especially money. As well as treating media owners in the way you treat clients.

Nolukholo Ceza: an eye opening experience for me. I have learnt about so many different aspects of media, schedules and chaselists. And sticking to the budget!

Mbali Jonas: I have learnt about sticking to client brief, producing accurate chase lists that correspond with schedules.

Ongiwe Sibahle Mboxela: from the interview with Bonita I have learnt that not everything is about formality, it is more about being ethical and professional, these are some of the values of The MediaShop and with that attitude I have already learnt so much this past week.

Join The MediaShop on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn or visit

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Good Things Guy Brent Lindeque named fourth most influential South African

Hot on the heels of winning Best South African Blog of the Year, founder of South Africa’s Good Things Guy has been named the category winner of ‘Social Enterprise and Philanthropy’ and the fourth most influential South African in the ‘100 Most Influential Young South Africans’ poll.

The survey, conducted by leading international PR and ratings agency Avance Media, recognises remarkable contributions made by individuals towards their respective fields which have impacted other young South Africans and beyond.“It’s moments like these that remind me that I am on the right path,” says Brent. “Good Things Guy feels like a gift that was given to me to help South Africans see our beautiful country with new eyes and I am thankful for each and every one of our readers!”

First launched in 2016 by Avance Media, the 100 Most Influential Young South Africans has previously been won by comedian and TV personality Trevor Noah (2016) and Ndlozi (2017). This year, Caster Semenya was the first woman to be awarded the coveted title as the Most Influential Young South African for 2018.

Good Things Guy was created by Brent in 2015 to promote South Africa’s good news and to share inspirational stories. The site has evolved to become a global, multi-platform company that shares unique content to over a million readers each month.

“I believe that there is always a good news story to tell and I’m honoured to be recognised as an inspirational South African amongst amazing individuals who have excelled in their fields of business, lifestyle, sport and entertainment. All this in the first quarter of the year! I’m looking forward to sharing many more good things throughout 2019.”

The Good Things Guy can be found at, on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

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