Now expanding into the UK market! Make contact to find out what we can do to get you heard!

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The importance of optimism in 2021

Chris Botha, Group Managing Director, Park Advertising

Firstly, to all our staff, clients and media owner partners – HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here’s hoping that 2021 will be a really special one.

One of my favourite things to do over my December break is to read. This is when I have enough time to really relax and let the magic of books carry me away. During this holiday I read the biography of Bob Iger – the CEO of the Disney Corporation. The book is entitled Ride of a Lifetime and I would highly recommend it.

The book touches on Iger’s influence in acquiring Pixar, Lucasfilm, and the Marvel Franchise. But is it something else that really grabbed my attention. One of the topics that Iger stresses is the importance of optimism in difficult circumstances.

Difficult circumstances? Boy do we all know a thing or two about this. I would imagine we all had a rough 2020. And 2021 is not kicking off much better. But how important is an optimistic attitude in getting the wheels turning again?

A psychology expert says that optimistic people are more likely to invest, act and put effort into achieving whatever it is that they want to achieve. “High optimism will predict high effort and success,” she says.

Iger talks extensively about the importance of optimism amongst leaders. I must be honest; this was something I failed at in 2020. Honestly, on numerous occasions, I did let the pressure and chaos from COVID get to me, resulting in me projecting a negative attitude both internally and externally.

If as a leader of a business you don’t lead with optimism how do you expect your team to be optimistic? By being pessimistic, you give your team licence to be down in the dumps and conservative in their approach. Your attitude rubs off on those around you.

The opposite is also true. When you are optimistic, you are more likely to invest, more likely to take a chance and to think creatively. Harvard University in the USA, has completed various studies on the impact of optimism on health, long term survival, and success. No guesses what the results are – the more optimistic you are, the better your chances of getting cured, succeeding in business and yes, surviving in the long term.

But optimism in 2021 needs perspective. What I am NOT talking about here is ignoring the realities around us. God knows that is almost impossible to do. I am not professing a “moonshine and roses approach”. It’s about keeping an optimistic attitude in spite of what is going on around us. Rolling with the punches, but having an attitude of advancement.

Every year I write a “motto” on my wall in my office. At the beginning of last year, I wrote “What’s Next” in big black bold letters. Inspiration to keep pushing, to see what’s coming and to create your own future. But without a sense of optimism – “What’s Next” is – “more trouble, more problems, and more challenges”. But with a sense of optimism “What’s Next” gains some meat. It gains some perspective about what is going on.

So in 2021 I wrote “Go do it”. Too many great ideas are buried under a sea of pessimism. In 2020 this was sooooooooo easy to do. I am hoping that with a realistic optimistic attitude – we will all “Go do it” and force the change.

So, here’s to 2021. Guaranteed it will bring challenges. But I hope you will join me in having an optimistic attitude about what we can achieve this year. As Helen Keller famously said – “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”

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Steve Harvey returns to South Africa to host Season 2 of Family Feud SA

On Sunday 5th April last year, launched the first episode of the 26-episode series of Family Feud South Africa. The Family Feud format has been an instant success in SA with an average of over 2.1 million viewers (age 15+) every Sunday between 18h00-19h00. Now, the series returns for a second season in 2021.

G2 Connection is the official integrated marketing agency managing all brand immersion for Family Feud South Africa. Co-founder Gail Hoffman Parrish says that although KFC has taken the coveted headline sponsor spot, there are still many opportunities for brands to get involved.

“Last year, the show averaged over 2.1 million viewers per week among audiences, with the show actually influencing a change in viewership patterns over the timeslot it ran on, increasing the audience by one million people over the first broadcast,” says Gail.

During its first season, award-winning entertainer and host of Family Feud South Africa, Steve Harvey, kept a close eye on the viewership numbers and was delighted to see how the South African audience took to Family Feud SA and the overall success of the show.

Suhayl Limbada, Marketing Director at KFC said that during lockdown, people were looking for shows that would entertain the whole family and Family Feud delivered exactly that. “We are delighted that we will be continuing this partnership on such a popular gameshow and look forward to Season 2 once again bringing the best family entertainment to African shores. KFC is renowned for bringing families together over buckets of chicken and this partnership is a natural extension of that – after all what’s better than great food coupled with great entertainment.”

The local South African producers, Rapid Blue, have put together strict COVID safety protocols to ensure the safety of Mr Steve Harvey, contestants and crew for the production and filming of the second season.

Entries for Season 2 are now open, to enter please go to the website where all terms and conditions are detailed. Entries must be completed online and those who are deemed successful will be contacted for online auditions.

In Season 1 the answers from some of the contestants were hysterical, but when it comes to funny man Steve Harvey trying to pronounce some of our names and then trying to come to grips with our South Africanism, it’s even funnier. Steve Harvey has admitted that he has loved learning about South African diversity and uniqueness and is looking forward to being back on African soil this year. is currently flighting a rerun of Season 1 and are looking to flight Season 2 in April 2021.

Facebook: Family Feud Africa

Instagram: @FamilyFeudAfrica

Twitter: @FeudAfrica

About Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey is an Emmy® Award-winning entertainer, radio personality, motivational speaker, New York Times best-selling author, businessman and philanthropist.

Steve Harvey formed Steve Harvey Global (SHG) in 2017, to consolidate and expand his vast business and media interests. Steve Harvey Global is focused on creating and delivering entertaining, powerful and motivational content, products and experiences to inspire audiences around the world.

The Family Feud Africa business deal was negotiated and executed by FremantleMedia Ltd. Senior Vice President Anahita Kheder, and by Steve Harvey Global Chief Operating Officer and Chief Legal Officer, Brandon R. Williams.









For Family Feud South Africa media assistance, contact Karabo Sethusha on +27 72 820 8035 or email:

For media assistance, contact Lerato Maboi on 084 089 3244 or email:

For Steve Harvey Global, contact Galit Shokrian and or call

+1 424 317 6976.


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Emerald surprises over 200 orphans in the Vaal!

This past week Emerald Resort & Casino hosted over 200 youngsters from orphanages across the Vaal and surprised them with a Christmas party at Aquadome while also taking the opportunity to donate a new pair of school shoes to each child.

“This year in particular has affected us all deeply in some way or another, but there are those that have been impacted even more harshly, none more so than orphaned Vaal children,” says Gloria Mokoana, Learning & Development Manager at Emerald Resort & Casino. “Not only do these kids deserve to get spoiled every so often, but it is important to ensure that they do not feel left out when returning to school next year!”

To make their year just that little bit more bearable, Emerald Resort & Casino hosted a Christmas party for over 200 of these underprivileged kids from local orphanages based in Vanderbijlpark, Bophelong, Sebokeng and Sharpville at the Resort’s popular indoor waterpark – the Aquadome. Orphanages included Lochvaal Emfuleni, Relebohile Children’s Home, Bophelong Children’s home, Haemona Childrens Home, Matwala Children’s Home, Childline, Good Hope Care Centre and VGSA.

Which child does not love to swim and play in the pool? At Aquadome, no matter their ability, the kids were spoilt for choice, water slides past an old ship wreck, a long slow drift in the lazy river and the shallow pools. At the party, and looked after by some amazing lifeguards and the Emerald team, the kids were spoiled with lunch, swimming and time on the jumping castles before each child was presented with a brand-new pair of school shoes.

“It was a special time to see their faces light up and really enjoying themselves at Aquadome,” concludes Gloria. “Many people take the small necessities, like shoes, and just being able to play in a safe environment for granted and we were pleased to able to bring some Christmas cheer to the kids.”

View all of the Health and Safety regulations* on the Emerald Resort & Casino website at

For all other up to date information visitors are encouraged to stay close to their Facebook and Twitter pages, or guests can visit for more information on any of the events mentioned here.


Emerald Resort & Casino.

Tel:                              016 982 8000





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Twitter Fleets, is Twitter giving us EVERYTHING except the edit button?

Reflwe Mangweta, Digital Campaign Manager at The MediaShop

Twitter has recently launched its version of Facebook and Instagram Stories called Fleets. As with all Stories, these disappear after a 24-hour exposure period so Twitter isn’t offering anything different on that front.


As someone who engages a lot on social media platforms, I noticed how my own patterns of consuming social media changed before lockdown – Instagram was my number one go-to! Then everyone was locked in their houses and, let’s be honest, there’s only so many pictures you can show of your house and selfies you can post so Instagram content became a bit dry. I switched and became more active on Twitter for the quick updates about everything news, reactions to world events, and to amuse myself in the shady streets of black Twitter. If I heard a rumour or something interesting my go to to verify this information is on Twitter first.

With the introduction of Fleets, many Twitter users feel that the platform is trying to conform to every other social media offering. Fleets is also on the back of Twitter having launched its audio feature allowing people to tweet in their voice, which could be argued as similar to WhatsApp’s voice note function. For brands, Twitter has also launched Carousels to help marketers reach new audiences and drive people to their website or app through multiple images or videos. This allows marketers to share a brand story, show off different products or highlight specific features – all within a single ad.


The reactions to Fleets have been true to Twitter form with people complaining that the platform isn’t unique anymore. Users are also consistently mentioning how Twitter continues to give us everything except the edit button! If you’re an active Twitter user, you understand the frustration of not being able to go back and change that dreaded spelling mistake on your tweet after you have published it. Others who, like me, enjoy Instagram are asking if they should keep Instagram seeing as though Twitter is offering them all that they have on Instagram and then some. Twitter is a very conversational platform and now with the addition of the imagery and audio function I think that many people may revert to an either-or situation.


So, what does this mean for brands?


Twitter may have also seen consumer behaviour changes during this pandemic and is now catering to a broader market, particularly when it comes to brands. The combination of Carousels and Fleets means that brands run some really cool campaigns, and that Fleets paired with great imagery and short-form video content can result in great brand awareness and engagement. The Fleets can be used nicely to launch new products by running teasers and then later a big reveal. They can also be great for a brand that is rebranding. In a nutshell, the Twitter space for brands is opening up nicely and challenging marketing teams to come up with some really great and innovative content to reach the wide audience Twitter has available.

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More drama as another local soapie gets canned!

Isabel Smit, Implementation Planner at The MediaShop

We all love a good drama.  Following our favourite characters, seeing them grow, falling in love and witnessing the newly created love triangles.  Discussing or more accurately, arguing with your friends and fellow soap lovers on how the latest plot will end.

Well, in line with the 2020 plot, here’s another surprise!  On the 16th of July 2021, one of the most popular and highest ranking TV shows’ plot will come to an end.  After 13 seasons, with the first episode that aired on the 9th of July 2007, Rhythm City’s last episode will be aired on

Not the plot twist we saw coming, or did we?

With the TV channels fighting to keep the audience’s attention, creative storytelling and new ideas are more important than ever.  We all know the phrase local is lekker and over the past few years, local TV productions have performed really well.  Not only do they fulfil language requirements but they also have to inspire and entertain jaded audiences.  Customers are more demanding and diversity of choice is reshaping the local drama and soapie categories. According to Futurefact 2019, 86% of South African adults agree that they “like to watch TV programmes where our social and cultural issues are part of the story”.  This is evident in the Top 20 programmes where 90% are locally produced shows.

It is important that producers and channels get local content and mandates right.  The SABC for example, have to serve both a public broadcasting service and a public commercial service mandate.  ICASA sets local content quotas of 55% for the public broadcast channels (SABC1 and 2) and 35% for the public commercial service (SABC3).  The SABC Annual Report of 2019 shows that all three channels exceeded the local content requirements.

Quality content is key, shows need to be able to continuously inspire and connect with the viewer. Audience ratings is probably the most basic test to a programme’s success.  Good ratings in turn draws advertising revenue.

Take Uzalo for example;  the most popular drama on SABC 1 with a viewership of 11.4 million people in April down to 8.8 million in October.  The producers of this show were told to come up with a more creative story line or stand the risk of being canned after it was criticized for being “boring”.  This seems like a Generations 2.0 scenario.

What started off as a three-month contract, Rhythm City has accumulated millions of viewers over the past 13 years and peaked at almost six million viewers in 2020.  As a local production, no doubt the impact will be felt on your TV plans, with one spot accounting for over 9% reach against an All Adults audience. It is consistently ranked in the Top 10 most-watched prime time soap operas in the country.

The show has taken us from a four roomed home, following the Generos and the Ndlovu empires in the entertainment space. Moving between the townships and the suburbs, filled with industry conflicts, backstabbing, love and pain, good and evil to winning the Best TV Soap award at the 2020’s Saftas. has given no specific reason for the cancellation, other than “part of a business strategy”.  Audience numbers were expected to increase over the lockdown period, but the numbers have gradually reduced back to almost 4mil.  This opens up the speculation as to why the show is being cancelled. Their managing director, Marlon Davids, said in a statement that “ continues to look forward to fulfilling its mandate of producing exceptional and relevant local content”.

What we do know is that it will be replaced with another locally produced show. Given the revenue that has gained for Rhythm City in advertising spend in October alone (over R35mill), we can expect that it must be something that they believe will drive not only viewership but also increased revenue. We will watch this space…

E-Commerce is experiencing an accelerated process of change

Jarred Mailer-Lyons, Head of Digital at The MediaShop says that the future of e-commerce has arrived earlier than expected thanks to COVID-19 and that while this is good for brands that have an online presence, there is still a vast disconnect between brands and consumers throughout the marketing funnel.

As we begin to slowly transition from managing the pandemic to the recovery of the economy, it’s clear that the period of lockdown and a pandemic of this scale and magnitude is bound to have a significant impact on our lives. Of course, we will return to some sort of normality in the coming months, but there’s no doubt that much will change… possibly forever. Covid-19 has altered the way we think, behave and act in more ways than one.

These emerging changes can be seen across all spheres of life – from how we work through to the ways we shop. These shifts are having significant implications for brands and retailers alike.

I’ve always had a keen interest in spotting a fad that has potentially become a longer-term trend over time and when it comes to specific categories and verticals, we know very well that trends and fads tend to come and go. While trends tend to gain widespread momentum, fads appear in contained bursts sometimes only affecting or appealing to a smaller group. A trend is really just the staying power that’s brought upon through the change in behaviour.

We definitely can’t associate the current pandemic to a trend but the significance of life span is quite relatable. With the changes in behaviours that have been created as a by-product of COVID-19, many of the longer-term changes in consumer behaviour are still being formed, giving companies an opportunity to evolve and help shape the ‘next normal’.

Behavioural changes

Let’s put it into perspective – I am sure many can attest to making and breaking a New Year’s resolution. I’m the first to admit that New Year’s resolutions just don’t stick – for me at least! Putting your mind to something is simple enough to construct in your head but actually adapting to this new way of life is one of the most difficult learned behavioural changes – sometimes it’s even more difficult to break certain behaviours than to teach new ones.

Anyone who has ever made and broken a resolution can appreciate the difficulty of behaviour change. Making a lasting alteration in behaviour is rarely a simple process. We’re human beings and we crave a sense of comfort and are often unwilling, or resistant to change especially in the early stages of making such a commitment. It’s been well over eight months now since we went into our first lockdown and we can definitely start seeing the effects of a pandemic and how humans have naturally adapted. As the months pass on by and we continue adapting to the ‘new normal’, more behaviours are bound to emerge. However, in this short space of time we have definitely started seeing some of these subtle changes.

COVID-19 has certainly accelerated digital in what was predicted to take years to achieve and research is saying that consumers globally, have shifted their spending from in-store into the ecommerce space, some are calling it ‘compressing 10 years of anticipated digital growth into a matter of weeks’. Local channels and ecommerce sites are seeing significant lifts in audiences, browsing time on site, online purchasing spikes and bigger basket sizes. The future has definitely came early as consumer activities and preferences have somewhat shifted due to the shutdown of the economy but fear of catching the virus and spreading it onto those more vulnerable has really altered the way that consumers at least in the short term, transitioned from making purchases in-store to being forced into and becoming familiar and comfortable within the ecommerce eco-system.

But this type of behaviour change is not as linear as we think – let’s not forget about the New Year’s resolution example I spoke about earlier because the stickiness of this behaviour change or trend if you like, will really depend on the satisfaction of the consumer throughout their ‘new’ experience and that’s why it’s vital for ecommerce players to adapt and build their user journeys to cater to all users in that they’re simple and seamless – making that transition easier and enjoyable for the consumer in order to make sure that the ‘stickiness’ sticks!

Regaining trust in e-commerce

I’m sure like many, I’ve also had my fair share of online purchase and delivery fails but COVID-19 has re-ignited my trust in the ecommerce space. For me the fear of catching the virus when it was at its peak really spoke to the fundamental need for safety (Maslow’s law) which translated into me moving my regular daily shop in-store to a weekly online transaction regardless of the fair share of negative experiences I had in the past. The sense of fear diluted those previously constructed notions I had around the online purchase journey and what I noticed throughout this process of personal change is that brands, channels and retailers have come a long way in transforming this eco-system from click right the way through to live tracking and timeous delivery. For me, that fear led to an immediate short-term adjustment which has now become an instilled behaviour change thanks to the benefits and convenience of online purchasing.

Of course, I am a sample of one but I have no doubt that others are certainly experiencing the same outcomes and these changing consumer behaviours require brands, if they haven’t already, to start thinking about how they change their business behaviours because the future is now and if you decide not to adapt then you could very well become a case study of the past – much like Kodak did when digital photography took off and Kodak just wasn’t ready for it.

Digital is indeed revolutionizing how consumers learn about and engage with brands and how companies learn about and engage with consumers. If we look at the traditional shopping model – its inherently a social experience and with evolving technology, shopping is changing and becoming more social by placing commerce at the heart of where people socialise online.

I recently attended a Facebook short course facilitated through GIBS which really turned the intent-based purchase behaviour that we know on its head, in that with the growth in time spent browsing social channels, Facebook noticed a significant shift with their audiences globally from intent based purchases to a new world of discovery commerce – where products find people. With consumers today being constantly connected, browsing products on the go and comparing prices, it has most certainly become a place where FMCG brands need to look to position themselves and tap into this discovery phase.

The marketing funnel

The problem is that there is a complete disconnect between the top and bottom of the funnel. The top being that which the brands invests in media to drive a marketing objective and bottom of the funnel where transaction takes place on a partner’s retail ecommerce site. Because the brand and ecommerce site don’t necessarily talk to each other, there is a complete lack of data being transferred between the two which is like gold to the FMCG brand and therefore these brands are sometimes at the mercy of their ecommerce counterparts. Trying to understand sales funnel, drop off, loyalty and repeat purchase cycles are data points that FMCG brands may never come to know unless they take the plunge and build an ecommerce site

While there is sometimes opportunity in creating a category specialist ecommerce platform that caters to all brands hosted under a single stable, most shoppers see FMCG products as part of a wider shop, meaning they want the convenience of finding everything under one roof and not the hassle of having to visit a host of websites to buy each item. Which then makes FMCG brands question whether the ecommerce platforms they are partnered with are offering their customers value and benefit which of course also ties into the latest trends we’re seeing as an outcome of COVID-19.

While there are many predictions out there in terms of ecommerce trends that will stick beyond the post-COVID-19 world, we do know that if ecommerce growth especially in the FMCG space is set to continue at an accelerated pace then convenience, personalisation, seamless ordering and delivery need to become the key pillars in which to adapt to this changing market.

So while you may be an FMCG brand trying to understand what the future holds or just an ecommerce retail site that facilitates the transaction and delivery between the brand and the consumer – these are some key FMCG ecommerce category trends and insights to look like out for in the coming months and so you can have the right conversations, adapt to the times and ensure overall business success.

1.It’s about interrogating and understanding the individual shopper journeys and buying habits… because they have changed – through the refinement of this data, it will allow you to create personalised recommendations and even inform the creation of products which will in turn drive loyalty.

  1. By doing this we can also hopefully find ways to alleviate the issue that most ecommerce stores have with regards to online basket abandonment and find simpler and shorter paths to purchase.
  1. With economic uncertainty and the consumer’s looking to brands for value during a recession, targeted and instant redeemable rewards will help strengthen the brands quest to drive loyalty and win share of wallet regardless of whether this is done through the ecommerce channel or the brand.
  1. Let’s not forget that we’re a mobile first market and geo-targeting will play an even larger role pull in consumers in on the go or at least encourage impulse spend online.
  1. It’s about versatility, speed and convenience all round – from the consumer clicking to make a purchase right the way through to the delivery experience.
  1. Lastly, think beyond your traditionally digital owned channels. Social commerce is growing at a rapid rate and consumers are adapting their buying behaviours to new technology outputs like Voice Commerce, Conversational Commerce and Bots.

Thankfully as a country we’re adaptable and one of the most susceptible nations to change – I’ve seen and heard many local businesses owners changing their business model and adapting their product to the changing needs brought upon by COVID-19, and for FMCG brands to continue their growth trajectory, they need to remain engaged, agile and productive to sustain business growth in the long term.1It’s no longer the big beating the small, but rather the fast beating the slow.

–               Eric Pearson, CIO, International Hotel Group.

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The MediaShop: Most awarded at this year’s Assegais

On the back of being named Network Media Agency of the Year at the AdFocus Awards, The MediaShop has claimed victory again at the Assegai Awards, entering and winning five awards, making it the most awarded media agency on the night.

Originating in 1998, the Assegai Awards acknowledge and award Integrated Marketing campaigns that deliver exceptional results. According to its website, since inception, the DMSA (Direct Marketing Association of South Africa) Assegai Awards have striven to benchmark the South African Direct Marketing industry, to highlight best-in-class examples and encourage all players in the industry to work towards achieving greatness in their campaigns.

 Chris Botha, Group Managing Director at Park Advertising says that the team at The MediaShop can be exceptionally proud. “The team should be, and are, bursting with pride today. Winning awards on the back of solid, innovative campaigns that provide a real return on investment for our clients is extremely rewarding and confirms that the agency is consistently making a difference to our client’s bottom lines – by thnking differently.”

The MediaShop received four Leader Awards for clients Debonairs, Fishaways, DSTV and SA Tourism and one Silver Award for DSTV.

“Congratulations to the teams involved in these campaigns and a big thank you to our clients that continue to work with, and encourage us, to produce award winning and tangible results.”

For more on The MediaShop visit, like them on Facebook: The MediaShop, follow them on Twitter @MediaShopZA or LinkedIn.

The MediaShop:

The MediaShop is South Africa’s most established, most awarded, most transformed media agency, and member of the Nahana Communications Group of specialist agencies, each with their own independent structures, cultures and management teams, and a desire to work together where synergy exists.

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Virtually anything from anywhere

Chris Botha, Group Managing Director, Park Advertising

Allow me to start this article with three quick, personal stories to set the scene.

 Story 1
For the past month while our offices still remain closed, one of our very efficient staff members booked a house in the Kruger Park. He worked very effectively from there, and even managed to pop out for game drives every morning and evening. His clients never noticed, and his work was as excellent as ever.

 Story 2
My super-efficient PA has been in Durban caring for her Dad for three months. No one noticed, and she has remained as efficient and effective as ever, while caring for her nearest and dearest.

 Story 3

A friend’s daughter is studying at UCT. She came “home” to Johannesburg in March, and will not be returning to Cape Town until 2021. She will finish her full academic year here in Johannesburg.

I am sure you have stories like that too – of businesses that used to rely on massive office space that are giving it all up and in essence becoming virtual, of virtual sports events, virtual music concerts and so much more.

If there is one thing that 2020 has taught us – it’s that you can do anything from anywhere.

But what does this mean? What if my colleague, instead of booking a house in the Kruger, booked a house in the South of France (don’t worry, we don’t pay that well)? Could he carry on? Could he do the job? Heck yes. But here is where the law of unintended consequences come in. If location doesn’t matter – could we not just employ someone who can do the same job from a market like India, at a possibly cheaper salary, to do his job virtually? Yes.

So, there are two sides to this sword. Whereas in the past we would only scout talent from South Africa (for the most part) – we can effectively in this new world scout talent from anywhere in the world, and not have to deal with emigration and relocation headaches. Call centres have been doing this for years. Some tech companies too. It’s now becoming a reality for more and more businesses and industries.

There is a flip side to the euphoria of working from anywhere though. As an employer I worry about staff working from home too much. Hear me out.

A big part of the reason people work at our company is because of the physical location, nice offices, lots of friends, the buzz that our media owner partners create, and the general “gees” of our company. There is something special about working late with a bunch of smart minds, slogging in a boardroom – eating pizza until the presentation is perfect. That experience is drastically watered down in a virtual world.

If your office is your desk at home, doesn’t that mean that the company you work for becomes more “vanilla” and in the long run you work for whoever pays you the most? Company owners and management will also have to work harder to keep staff “loyal” and to maintain a very specific brand identity for their workforce.

I do believe we can however become a more caring people over time. Like my PA who is looking after her Dad, companies can and should, enable staff to not lose touch with family while working. A new Dad employee recently commented about how lockdown was such a blessing because he could experience so much more with their new bundle of joy without sitting in traffic. So, there is that as an upside.

The educational sector is an interesting one for me. Universities for example as educational institutions have been around for very many years, but let’s start micro. My friend’s daughter had to rent a flat in Cape Town and move to the Mother City to study at UCT. Is that still the case for new students? Maybe not. Maybe the future is virtual lectures, and a study from anywhere norm. Does that mean universities can now take on more students? Yes surely. Your numbers are no longer limited to a physical location’s capacity.

But don’t forget the double-edged sword.

Let’s for argument’s sake say that we all decide that we want to do our law degree at Harvard Law School in the future. No more moving to Boston, dealing with freezing winters, paying through your ears for everything in dollars. This can be achieved from the comfort of your bedroom in sunny South Africa.

But if everyone decides to study via Harvard (because they are supposedly the best) – does that not mean that fewer people will study in South Africa? Could we see major educational institutions offering world class degrees to anyone around the world, and in so doing, kill off local educational institutions? Well, maybe yes.

Apply this philosophy to retail – if location matters less – would you shop at a different store? Maybe in your suburb the Pick n Pay is 3km away from your home, and Checkers 10km away. So, you always shop at Pick n Pay. But if you move to online delivery shopping – purchases only happen via the PnP App or the Checkers Sixty/60 App – then you might go to the retailer with the better prices or the better online experience.

For us as South Africans we should use this as an opportunity to offer mass services across the globe at a competitive price. We have mass unemployment at 30% so the “anything from anywhere” trend can potentially open our workforce up to the globe, and not just to a stuttering South African economy.

Our weak Rand could help with competitive pricing.

COVID 19 handed us all some lemons, but hey, free lemons so let’s go out of our way to turn them into some much-needed Lemonade.

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The MediaShop wins Network Media Agency of the Year

For the third time in the past four years, The MediaShop has been awarded Network Media Agency of the Year at the 2020 Financial Mail AdFocus Awards.

Chris Botha, Group Managing Director at Park Advertising, The MediaShop’s holding company, says that The MediaShop has experienced a tough but ultimately rewarding 2020. “Firstly, I’d like to extend congratulations to every staff member that made this happen – this is your award,” he said.

“The fact that The MediaShop has consistently won this award three times over the past four years is testament to the team’s hard work and enduring success over the years in pioneering innovative and evidence backed strategies. I’d also like to extend a special word of thanks to our ex Johannesburg MD Kgaugelo Maphai and our existing leadership team Bonita Bachmann in Cape Town and Arish Saroop in Durban in their efforts in making this award a reality.”

Chris also said that he’s celebrating this morning with mixed emotions. “I am very happy for the accolade, but also very sad that we cannot celebrate together. Special occasions like this make me quite sad for not having colleagues to hug, high five or share a healthy Debonairs Pizza and some Moet with!”

2020 has definitely been one for the record books but despite the pandemic the agency has maintained its high standard of output, functioned optimally with a virtual team and was also identified by global research company RECMA as number nine on its Top 16 Standalone agencies that are part of groups – the only South African agency with a mention.

“Here’s to the final push of 2020, and thanks once again to our teams, management, clients and media owner partners,” says Chris.

For more on The MediaShop visit, like them on Facebook: The MediaShop, follow them on Twitter @MediaShopZA or LinkedIn.

The MediaShop:

The MediaShop is South Africa’s most established, most awarded, most transformed media agency, and member of the Nahana Communications Group of specialist agencies, each with their own independent structures, cultures and management teams, and a desire to work together where synergy exists.

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Click here to shop now!

Claire Herman, Media Operations Manager at The MediaShop

When lockdown hit at the end of March 2020, we all felt completely cut off from the outside world, only being allowed out of the house to get essential services like medical attention and food. And even when we did venture out, we were terrified of catching the Coronavirus, making sure that we had a plan to “get in and out” as quickly as possible, clad with our face masks and smeared with copious amounts of hand sanitizer… It wasn’t a pleasant experience at all.

One good thing that did come out of lockdown though was my introduction to online shopping, and more specifically, the Checkers Sixty60 app. At that stage it was still in its testing phase, but luckily, I fell within their catchment area, and soon became a pro.

I will admit, being in my mid-forties and a bit of a techno-phobe (and despite being married to a software developer) my previous online shopping experience had been limited to the occasional Netflorist purchase. But now, my eyes have been opened to the wonderful world of online shopping convenience and there is no stopping me! Woolies, Takealot, Nifty Gifts, Yuppiechef, you name it here I come, and in my opinion, there is no better way to shop. Now that we are in lockdown Level 1, I do feel a bit more comfortable going to the shops, even if it is just to get out of the house and see other human beings, but ultimately my shopping habits have shifted forever.

I am not unique – according to a recent IOL article “2020 sees boom for online shopping in SA” ( ), stats from Mobicred, South Africa’s largest digital credit facility, show some interesting trends pre- and post-lockdown:

  1. Monthly online transactions grew by 40%;
  2. The 60+ years age group grew by a massive 90% (granted it is off quite a small base);
  3. Average purchase size is up by 25%; and
  4. Transaction frequency sees an increase of 30%.

The bottom line is that more people are buying more, more often. This is great for the bottom line for online retailers, which is why Mobicred has also seen a 50% increase in the number of new online retailer sign-ups, and thanks to COVID-19, the definite winners have been the food, alcohol and pharmacy retailers. According to the PayFast Ecommerce Performance Index (PEP Index), beer, wine and liquor online sales have grown by a massive 1,787% this year and ecommerce will double its retail market share this year from 1-2% to 2-4% ( ).

But who else is winning? Despite the enormous blows for the fashion industry in the real world, the online fashion sales space has emerged from the ashes and is set to grow in leaps and bounds. I for one have a tough time shopping for clothes online – shout out to all the short girls out there – but several examples over the past few months are testament to this rapidly evolving space, where virtual change rooms and size guide tables are the order of the day.

Zara plans to close 1,000 of its smaller stores around the world, saying that they expect virtual sales to account for more than a quarter of their business by 2022, and H&M is following suit and will be closing 250 stores worldwide in 2021 in favour of their online platform ( ).

Woolworths is also actively relooking their business strategy to accommodate the massive shift to online sales that they are experiencing, which is up by 41.3% in the second half of this year ( ). And then, following in the footsteps of the two largest fashion e-tailers in South Africa, Zando and Superbalist, a new kid on the block,, has just been launched ( ).

But online growth isn’t only limited to these select industries. A year ago, I would have argued that clothes purchases wouldn’t have been impacted so severely, but I was wrong. A more logical online purchase for me is home décor and household appliances (which has been very helpful in setting up my home office space), but the usual suspects of high-end furniture stores are now also being challenged, with JD Group’s pending launch of Everyshop. Not only will you be able to continue to access Incredible Connection and HiFi Corp through their new shopping portal, but also Russells, Bradlows, Rochester and Sleepmasters. A whole new market will be opened up here for online furniture and appliance purchases in the mass market – watch this space to see if it gains traction…

What about cars? It is important to note that even if the final purchase doesn’t happen online, the decision-making process definitely starts online, and more dealerships are bringing more of the dealership experience home for potential buyers. Seeing as, at the point of sale, most of the time actually spent inside the dealership is on paperwork and finance, surely most of this can be done online too? But wait, there’s more… According to the Google/Kantar US Automotive Path to Purchase 2020 study, 63% of purchasers would consider ordering a new car online and having it delivered to their homes, and 65% expect more online purchase options in the future ( ).

And travel? Sure, you can make bookings and payments online, and organise flights and accommodation, but did you ever think that you would buy a virtual travel tour? WildEarth is a case in point here, with daily live safari tours brought into the comfort of your own home in real-time, and you can now even add virtual travel to your Amazon Shopping cart ( ).

So as we enter the highest retail peak of the year, with Black Friday 2020 and Christmas fast approaching, and following on from this increasing trend of online shopping, spend on ecommerce sites is “set to soar”, with brands taking advantage of the increased site traffic close to the point of purchase ( ). And brands who have not considered this shift need to start gearing up for this change in consumer behaviour, otherwise they will be left behind…

This shift not only impacts on how brands sell to consumers, by either enabling their online platforms for ecommerce or partnering with the likes of Takealot, but there is a knock-on effect for the entire supply chain ecosystem and the resultant marketing strategy that will need to be adopted. Stock availability, safe payment options, delivery options and timeframes, client query facilities, return policies and consumer communication strategies, to name a few, will all need to be considered and adapted. Is your brand ready to be added to my shopping cart?

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