In March, Emerald Resort & Casino will be bringing legendary musician Steve Hofmeyr and local Vereeniging songwriter and singer Refentse Morake, as a combined powerhouse duo in the first ever Afrikaans in die Vaal concert.
“Ons is besonder verheug om hierdie twee kunstenaars op dieselfde verhoog, vir die plaaslike Afrikaanse gemeenskap, te plaas,” says Leolize Naidoo, Emerald Resort & Casino’s Events & Entertainment Manager.
Venue: Emerald Resort & Casino, Emerald Arena
Date: Saturday, 30 March 2019
Time: 19h00
Tickets: R150 (general), R350 (Golden Circle) available at –
Emerald Reward cards always provide the holder with certain advantages and privileges. Once such advantage is that cardholders can redeem 1000 points off their cards for a ticket to the show.
The Resort has also made special Hotel and River Resort Chalet accommodation packages available that include general admission tickets to the show for those that want to experience the full 360 entertainment. Simply quote STEVEHG when making a booking to receive a discount at the Hotel or STEVECG for River Resort Chalet.
“Die Afrikaans in die Vaal konsert by die Emerald Resort & Casino met Steve Hofmeyr en Refentse beloof om een onvergeetlike aand te wees,” concludes Leolize. “Kom kuier met jou musiek in jou taal op 30 Maart 2019.”
For up to date information and happenings at Emerald Resort & Casino, visitors are encouraged to stay close to their Facebook and Twitter pages, or guests can visit for more information on any of the events mentioned here.
Emerald Resort & Casino.
Tel: 016 982 8000