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ROOTS 2019 is building to be bigger than ever!

The 2019 launch of South Africa’s largest urban community quantitative survey, ROOTS, is boasting more areas, more communities and more insights into the survey than ever before. The bumper addition is building momentum and is set to be launched in June this year.

“Due to the increase in scope, TNS researchers are still in field collecting vital data and verifying purchasing and leisure habits across 148 urban areas with a total sample of 26 000 decision makers. ROOTS 2019 will also include new areas added from ADS24 products to expand our pool of insights,” says Gill Randall, Joint CEO SPARK Media. “The building blocks are all coming together as we piece together the total survey.”

 “At a local level and compared to ROOTS 2016, our new methodology incorporates both LSM and SEM descriptors, building a more accurate picture of South African communities, as well as a more in depth look at the digital environment,” she says.

 Besides the usual datasets of demographics and general info, ROOTS digs deeply into categories like digital integration, activities, entertainment and many retail categories too. The data provides marketers with vital demographic and behavioural information at a local, regional and national level, but it’s the ability to deep-dive and access granular local data that provides the biggest marketing advantages.

As reading is just one facet of a good education, ROOTS 2019 will provide the building blocks for innovative and insightful media plans and marketing strategies. No two communities are the same – ROOTS 2019 will clearly show the differences.

For more on SPARK Media, visit our website and follow us on social media @sparkmediasa.


Established in 2015, SPARK Media, a division of CTP Ltd, are experts in retail and location based marketing solutions. The company owns and represents a myriad of print and digital products that deliver locally relevant, effective audiences for advertising clients. SPARK Media are Strategic Partners in Audience Research and Knowledge and offer ‘Insights that Ignite’.

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