Now expanding into the UK market! Make contact to find out what we can do to get you heard!

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The MediaShop says Goodbye to Dick

The MediaShop says “Goodbye” to Richard John Raddon Reed, who only wanted to be called Dick, and who was the founder of The MediaShop.

 “It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dick Reed on 5 March 2019 in Cape Town, where he lived for many years,” says Chris Botha, Group MD at Park Advertising.

Dick served the advertising industry for many years and was regarded as a doyen by many in the marketing and media industry. He broke new ground for the advertising industry by creating The MediaShop in 1987 and then as a media independent in 1988. The company has since become an internationally awarded agency, based on many of the values that Dick instilled in the business during those early days.

“All those years ago Dick had a vision for the future of advertising in this country and created the amazing The MediaShop as a result,” says Sean Clarke, Operations Director. “I’m sure that you are proud of your achievements, the company that you founded and what it has become. We continue to grow, a force to be reckoned with, adhering to the key values that you deemed non-negotiable.

Thank you for the opportunity that you gave me and for being a friend, not just a business partner.”

“Rest in peace Dick, your legacy lives on in this company and the industry and from each and every person (past and present) at The MediaShop we offer our condolences to Margaret his wife, Marion, Tessa and Carrie, his three children and several grandchildren,” concludes Kgaugelo Maphai, Managing Director for The MediaShop.

Join The MediaShop on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn or visit

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The Playboy Bunnies are coming to town!

Get dealt a hand from completely different croupiers! On Sunday, 10 March 2019, Emerald Resort & Casino is proud to present the Playboy London Club where, for the first time, the Playboy Bunnies will be dealing cards to gamers in the casino.

“It’s such an exciting initiative!” says Tanuja Gangabishun, Marketing Executive at Emerald Resort & Casino. “Although the Playboy Bunnies have visited us before, it is normally reserved for Privé guests, but on the 10th, all visitors to the casino have the opportunity to be dealt to by the official and gorgeous Playboy Bunnies.”Live entertainment will be provided by musician Colé for the afternoon, and guests can also enjoy a variety of Cruz martinis as the profiled drinks specials of the weekend.

“Since 1966, the Playboy Club London has been the playground of the chic and famous and it’s only through our links and affiliation to Caesars Entertainment that this is possible,” Tanuja says. “The bunnies are only available from 14h00 to 17h00. Come and visit these iconic hostesses and see what all the fuss is about!”

For up to date information and happenings at Emerald Resort & Casino, visitors are encouraged to stay close to their Facebook and Twitter pages, or guests can visit for more information on any of the events mentioned here.

Emerald Resort & Casino is a licensed gambling venue. Winners know when to stop. Only persons over 18 are permitted to gamble. National Problem Gambling Counselling Toll Free Helpline 0800 006 008.

Emerald Resort & Casino.

Tel:                              016 982 8000





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A blog about a blog

Yvette Gengan, Digital Media Manager at The MediaShop

If you are anything like me then blogging is no Friday night ‘Netflix and chill’ for you either. I over think the whole process. In fact, I pondered for days for a blog topic I felt had real purpose.

After a while, I realized that in my endless search I actually came across a handful of popular things to write about. These things are bound to be beneficial to someone out there who is also crawling online spaces for valuable topics. So in my attempt to save you from ever ending up in the deep dark holes of online searching, here are a few types of possible articles and topics that seem to be successful in the blogging space.

In no order of importance:

Politics! Oh the angles you could take. I mean this stuff literally writes itself. You could be serious, funny, meme driven or even more political (elections and all that) but just be prepared for some serious engagement and opinions. When I say load, you say shedding…

How-to guides – this is one of the highest search queries on Google. There is so much content and a lot of it offers so much value. This type of blog would work for most industries. Finance (how to plan), Banking (how to save), Media (how to spend all the money) – these are just some examples of where this type of blog could go.

Recipes – okay this one sent me into deep hunger and an hour and a half of video time… If you are lucky enough to ride the recipe wagon go for it. You can focus on health, different types of diets, grease (is it good, is it bad), POTATOES, and other equally important ingredients like BACON. It turns out Huffington Post has a whole section dedicated to bacon! Oh, the fun we could have.

Thank You, Next. Blogging about the personal stuff, and sharing things from your personal life in the form of storytelling would fall into this category. Now, being in digital media I have had to do my share of content calendars over the years and the one thing that was always a challenge for me was finding an emotional connection with an audience. It is hard and rare to find. Coca Cola and Nandos are examples of brands that have achieved this really well.

However, the focus is not just on big brands anymore but rather the smaller more personal brands. This would include people that have done exceptionally well in sharing their personal life with others online. Think sharing journeys of motherhood, fatherhood, cooking, baking, fitness, recovery, depression etc.

The main idea here is to evoke some sort of emotion. Joy, anger, sorrow, sympathy – it’s entirely up to you. Whatever the emotion chosen, make sure that it ‘gets people going’.

Reviews – this is the type of blog that I personally love. I value a review from a fellow neighbour, shopper, traveller, or driver. I think the important thing is ensuring you set yourself up as credible first, earn trust and credibility and then have at it. This is one of the biggest revenue streams for most bloggers and great for driving traffic to your blog.

Historic things – this came up a lot. I personally just love history. There is something so mysterious about a time and place or person that has lived and had so many memories before you. There are blogs dedicated to never before seen pictures, and about people never heard of before. My personal best are the weird types of practices that existed decades ago.

Travel – this one needs no explanation. There is so much material filled with beauty that evokes exhilaration for a great blog. I seriously need to get out more. For a second I thought of starting a blog of all the places I have NOT visited. Here I will leave you to venture into the travel blogger sphere on your own without me giving away too much. Seriously! The Norway Mountains await you…

Happy Blogging!

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Are employees the untapped marketing channel?

Most executives would agree that the single biggest asset of their organisation is their people, their employees and management. Employee Advocacy is at its core, the promotion of an organisation through its staff.

“Who knows the company best, who are the company’s biggest brand ambassadors, who understands the market best and has high propensity to be on social media?” asks Pieter Groenewald, Managing Director of theIntern-ship, part of the Nfinity Group of companies. “The answer to all of those questions is the team members within any organisation.”

In South Africa, companies haven’t activated employee advocacy within their organisations as prolifically as in overseas markets merely because they don’t understand the gold they are sitting on, and if they do, they don’t have the machinery to bring the gold to surface.

“The statistics speak for themselves in that most organisations have enough content to share to prospective clients and staff, but they don’t have the means to dominate communication channels due to the nature of these being pay-as-you-go or paying media owners. Once payments stop so does the exposure,” says Pieter. “It makes sense to consider activating the skills of employees to become more digitally visible, to tap into this valuable communication channel, which is in fact not a pay-as-you-go channel but rather continuous exposure through engagement and re-sharing, therefore delivering exceptional ROI.”

Being a completely new form of marketing in South Africa, readily available statistics are not available, but international statistics are completely relatable. The good news is that most employees are already on social media, so why not tap into that resource? At the heart of social is the coming together of like-minded people and communities. In fact, 98% of employees are using social media for personal use, while 50% of those already post about their employers/organisation.

“It’s the old word of mouth methodology that’s been effectively translated online,” says Kevin Kirby, COO of Nfinity. “84% of customers say that they value the recommendations from friends and family while 21% of customers say that they ‘like’ employee posts about companies.”

Studies show that employees have ten times more social connections than standard brands. An increase of 12% in brand advocacy can lead to 200% more revenue reveals another study.

“The reason it works is because people trust content and recommendations from people they know more than marketing messages from companies,” says Pieter. “In fact, people are 16 times more likely to read a post from a friend about a brand than from the brand itself. Employees are often the best salespeople of a brand (even if they’re not in sales). They have more influence over the products and services their friends and family buy than any piece of marketing material ever could.

Can you afford not to investigate?” concludes Pieter.

Nfinity DNA

Headed by entrepreneur Ken Varejes as CEO, Nfinity is the latest innovation hub to land in the media, marketing and eventing fields. Nfinity is poised as a space for entrepreneurs to grow and better their businesses under the guidance of Ken and his growing management team, each a specialist in their own field. Nfinity currently has established shareholding and presence in the following companies: AdColony, theSALT, Reveel, Whisky Live, Whizzky App, Orange Block, Reveel, theIntern-Ship, Brand a Tuk Tuk and Nfinity Digital

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The MediaShop rated top media agency in SA by RECMA

The MediaShop has once again been acknowledged as the top media agency in South Africa, this time by international evaluation agency RECMA (Research Company Evaluating the Media Agency Industry).

RECMA is the only global research company that evaluates media agencies worldwide. The company delivers a qualitative evaluation of media agencies based on 18 criteria in 45 countries. Overall, The MediaShop ranked number one in the South African market with a ‘High Profile’ classification. The agency also ranked top in terms of ‘Vitality’ scores.

Some of the criteria that RECMA investigates are: participation in pitches, resources of staff and their specialities, new business growth, quality of clients and long term relationships.

Kgaugelo Maphai, Managing Director for The MediaShop said: “We are humbled at being named the best media agency in South Africa based on the interrogation of such a credible and internationally recognised body like RECMA. This, on the back of our 30 years in existence is all the more appreciated. We are an agency constantly reinventing and evolving ourselves and this latest accolade proves that.”

Chris Botha, Group MD at Park Advertising lends his congratulations to the agency. “We’re very fortunate in this industry to have several means of evaluating our media agency standards, and being held to account – RECMA being one of these. It’s full credit to The MediaShop staff and management that consistently pour their hearts into this business. We’re blessed with amazing people, partners and clients.”

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