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BRC releases RAMS AMPLIFY™ Reach & Frequency data

The Broadcast Research Council of South Africa (BRC) has confirmed that the RAMS (Radio Audience Measurement) AMPLIFY™ Reach & Frequency data has been released to the media and advertising industry with immediate effect.

The BRC’s CEO, Gary Whitaker says, “We are pleased and excited to announce that the new innovative Reach and Frequency radio data model, based on P7D (Past Seven Days) listenership for the South African market, is now available from the software bureaux Telmar and Nielsen.”

The new RAMS AMPLIFY™ Reach & Frequency data has been modelled by Ian Garland of Milton Data who has pioneered ground-breaking work for the likes of Oztam, Commercial Radio Australia, Fox Sports, BBC, NBC Universal and IAB Australia.

The new data model relies on a 24-month version of the BRC’s/Ipsos’ day after recall survey. This dataset includes over 70 000 respondents. The data includes information about people’s listening habits claimed for yesterday and the last seven days and the standard categorisation details for these respondents such as province, age, gender, population group, metro/urban/rural status, and socio-economic measures. Each respondent is weighted and adjusted to match the entire South African population aged 15 and above.

The creation of the Radio R&F model is similar to regular data fusion methods. The main goal is to find donors who match a recipient. These donors’ listening habits represent the combined listening behaviour of an individual across all seven days of the week, radio station, time of day and day of week.

Evaluation of the model focused on comparing the Radio R&F data with the original ‘Day After Recall Data’. This involved specific tests at the station level to ensure similarity between the source data and the modelled data in terms of:

  1. The number of people reached weekly, and the average hours listened per person by station.

  2. How often people listen to each station (e.g., the proportion listening 1-4 days or 5-7 days a week).

  3. Detailed listening frequency (from 1 to 7 days a week) for each station.

  4. The demographic makeup of station audiences, considering factors such as:

  • Age and gender
  • Province
  • Population group
  • Urban, suburban, or rural location (within the province)
  • Socio-economic model

       5. Comparing schedules (Radio R&F vs historic data) in terms of:

  • Reach in thousands and as a percentage of the population.
  • Number of impacts (advertisements heard by the audience in thousands).
  • Gross Rating Points (GRPs).
  • Average frequency of listening per person.

The result

The Day After Recall and Radio R&F metrics closely match the essential demographics, and there’s a strong agreement on behavioural metrics, especially for total audience reach and characteristics.

“We understand the importance of this data to the industry and did not wish to delay the release of this data. We will be hosting a session, with Ian Garland, at a later date to present the intrinsic nature of the model,” concludes Whitaker. “We look forward to your immediate assessment of this dataset and any feedback you provide.”

For more information on the BRC visit

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Leveraging AI for PR Outreach and Content

Public relations (PR) is all about managing communications and building relationships between an organisation and its key audiences. In today’s fast-paced digital world, PR professionals are constantly looking for ways to work smarter, faster, and more efficiently. That’s where leveraging AI for PR comes in. AI is transforming the practice of PR in exciting new ways. Here’s an overview of how AI is revolutionising public relations.

Leveraging AI for PR with Optimising Content Creation

One of the core tasks of PR is creating compelling content like press releases, blog posts, speeches, and more. AI tools are now helping PR pros research, write, and optimise content faster than ever before. AI content creation tools use natural language generation to transform raw data into well-written narratives. They can churn out draft blog posts and press releases in seconds based on a few prompts. PR professionals can then review the AI-generated content, edit as needed, and have high-quality drafts ready in a fraction of the time.

AI tools are also optimising content for SEO by analysing keyword usage, readability, and structure. This helps maximize search traffic and engagement. With AI, PR teams can produce more content targeted to their audiences’ needs and interests.

Enhancing Media Monitoring and Analysis

Monitoring news and social media for relevant mentions is essential for PR teams. In the past, this was an extremely manual and time-intensive process. With AI tools, media monitoring is now automated and analytics enhanced. AI can track brand mentions across millions of online sources in real-time. Natural language processing analyses tone, sentiment, keywords, trends, and more. These AI insights allow PR professionals to instantly spot opportunities, risks, and areas needing response. AI analytics also enable better evaluation of PR campaigns by providing comprehensive feedback on content performance.

Leveraging AI for PR can Improve Media Targeting

PR relies heavily on building relationships with the press. In the past, PR pros would manually research journalists and outlets to identify the best targets for their stories. Today, AI is automating this process through machine learning algorithms. PR teams can input information like their client, industry, campaign goals, and ideal audience. AI tools will then suggest the journalists and media outlets most likely to be interested based on past coverage, influence, and reach. This allows PR pros to pitch stories precisely to the right targets for the campaign.

Automating Repetitive Tasks

Leveraging AI for PR can assist with many routine PR tasks like sending pitches, compiling clips and reports, scheduling social media posts, etc. can now be automated with AI. This allows human PR professionals to focus their time on strategy, creativity, relationship building, and analysis instead of administrative work. AI chatbots can even handle some basic PR functions like responding to media inquiries, creating media lists, or sending follow-up emails. While AI excels at repetitive tasks, strategic thinking still requires human expertise. Finding the right balance is key to improving productivity.

The Future of AI in PR

AI adoption in PR is still in early stages but advancing rapidly. According to Business Insider Intelligence, nearly 80% of PR professionals already use some form of AI. As the technology improves, AI will become integral to PR workflows. Specific applications on the horizon include hyper-targeted ad campaigns through AI prediction models, personalized PR content tailored to individual media contacts using natural language generation, and fully automated PR response using chatbots.

While some fear AI will replace human jobs, most experts agree it will simply change roles. AI handles time-consuming grunt work, enabling PR professionals to focus on strategy, creativity and building meaningful relationships. This symbiosis of human and artificial intelligence holds exciting potential for the future of public relations.

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BRC August 2023 industry update

Television Universe Update

In order to provide a much-needed 2023 television universe update, the Broadcast Research Council of South Africa (BRC) commissioned a new Television Establishment Survey (ES).

The Television universe was updated in October 2020; however, much has happened over the past three years. It remains critical that all changes in South African viewership be reflected in the universe.

With a sample of 8 000, comprising of 5 000 face-to-face and 3 000 online interviews, the results of the new Television ES have already been validated and have passed scrutiny. The dataset will be made available to the industry on the 11th of September. The BRC is aiming to engage with the industry at the end of September 2023 regarding the TAMS universe update. All media agencies will be granted six weeks for scrutiny and planning prior to the universe update taking effect.

Future Proofing Video Measurement

The new ES data results indicate that there is definite movement within the realm of video viewing. Because of this, new entrants into the marketplace and loadshedding, the BRC are currently reviewing an SDK (Software Development Kit) implementation, which will allow for measurement of streaming, OTT, alternative devices and out of home viewing.

The SDK will be incorporated at a publisher level, resulting in a census output – all traffic across all opted-in publishers. A panel in excess 10 000 respondents will serve as the source of demographic profiling for the census data, a cookie match approach, with the weighting based on the BRC’s latest Television ES. Setup will commence in Q4 2023.

RAMS Amplify™

Regarding RAMS Amplify™ Reach and Frequency, the BRC’s CEO, Gary Whitaker says that the final validations are being carried out by external auditors. The Radio Research Technical Committee will get a first look at the data before it is released to the industry. The BRC confirms that it will happen before the end of August.


Additionally, as part of the BRC update, they have confirmed that they will be using the new TV ES as the base survey for the next data Fusion project. Fusion matches respondents from different surveys and combines them into a single dataset. The intention, in the future, is to make use of the Marketing Research Foundation’s (MRF), MAPS (Marketing All Product Survey) data as the base survey. The next iteration of Fusion is expected to be available at the end of January 2024.

In Summary

“It makes sense to use MAPS as the base survey in any fused data project as the survey’s underlying processes, procedures, and protocols have recently been audited and the data it provides is stable and accurate,” says Whitaker. “There is a lot happening in the background at the BRC and in partnership with various stakeholders we’re happy to be delivering South African broadcasting’s single source of truth when it comes to television and radio media currencies – crucial for media audience research.”

For more information on the BRC visit

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The latest strategic decision-making MAPS® data is now available

The Marketing Research Foundation’s (MRF) latest iteration of MAPS (Marketing All Product Survey) data has been released. Interesting changes in consumer behaviour has come to light, especially over the past two years providing marketers with a strategic decision-making viewpoint.

The July release which, for the first time, enables users to compare two calendar years of data, delivers a national survey of 20 000 interviews which includes insights into respondents’ brand interaction across more than 3 376 brands.

MAPS validated by audit

A recent audit on the survey’s underlying processes, procedures, and protocols, by auditors 3M3A found that MAPS is of a “high standard”, healthy and in a good place. Some technical adjustments have improved the accuracy and stability of MAPS, ensuring that the MRF can ultimately deliver on the goal of making MAPS a world class survey enabling strategic decision making.

The MRF’s CEO, Johann Koster says, “There have been many data releases recently from various organisations and it can become a little confusing as the data to many are not comparable. It is therefore important to understand where the MAPS research fits into the South African research sphere. The scope of MAPS is huge and includes life stages and lifestyles, financials, media consumption and consumer purchasing behaviours.”

“MAPS is a strategic tool; it is not a media currency,” adds Virginia Hollis, Chairperson of the MRF. “The insights from MAPS offer a detailed view of consumer behaviour across media, finance, retail and many other sectors, additionally, MAPS covers the entire age 15+ population, not just a section of South Africa.”

The MRF are in the process of having discussions with the Broadcast Research Council (BRC) and the Publisher Research Council (PRC) to become the industry hub survey for fusion with currencies and other industry research to provide a single source of consumer data. “These discussions are going well and are looking very positive,” says Hollis.

Fieldwork Landscape

Two research collection instruments are used for the MAPS study, over 20 000 face-to-face interviews and nearly 11 000 product and brand diaries have been completed during 2022. The two formats are integrated into a full sample by means of fusion. Sampling includes a distribution of 50% metro, 30% urban and 20% rural, validated by GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping.

Personal and household incomes decline

The survey has found that average personal income over the two-year period of 2021 and 2022 had declined from R4 883 to R4 438 while average household income has declined from R11 648 to R9 973. 2022 saw less people unemployed, more retirees, more self-employed and more students. More undergraduate degrees were achieved while diplomas and post-graduate degrees remained the same.

The impact of change in the economic landscape between 2020 and 2022 has become very clear to see. The effects saw fewer impulse buying opportunities, a shift in shopping patterns from instore to online, an increase in dependents other than own household and careful buying became the order of the day – the result – behaviour shifts in volume and cost-effective purchasing or thrift shopping.

Effects on consumers can be seen through quarterly data tracking

The effects on consumers and changes in product consumption and spending patterns are also clear to see especially when viewed through the lens of quarterly data tracking. For example, overall, the average monthly clothing or apparel expenditure decreased by just over half from R2 736 to R1 329 over the two-year period, but what is apparent in the quarterly data tracking is that the expenditure is showing signs of recovery from Q2 in 2022.

The data also indicates that while brand loyalty is on the rise, consumers are more willing to abandon a particular brand if it becomes too expensive.

Media landscape

Not only has the environment affected the economic landscape but media consumption too. 2022 saw never-before loadshedding stages and a massive upward trend of Gigawatt Hours (GWh) being shed especially in the second half of 2022 with huge impacts on consumer media consumption.

Since the easing of lockdown, the data confirms that consumers have been spending more time getting back to activities outside their homes. Clear upward trends are noticed for out-of-home engagements including gardening, running errands (school runs and shopping for example) and traveling to and from work. Other MAPS ‘time spent’ data points include, but are not limited to, checking social media, playing computer games, just ‘surfing’ the internet, watching TV (further segmented into watching sport or not) and listening to radio.

Year-on-year media penetration shifts saw a massive increase in online activities while traditional media, TV, radio and print saw various levels of decline.

Strategic decision-making for brands

MAPS delves deeply into brands and services. Financial service questions relate to commercial banking, financial services, saving and investment behaviour, stokvels and SASSA grants. Retail questions include household purchasing behaviour, products and brands, malls visited and fast-food purchasing behaviours. For example, the percentage of the population that used hair styling products decreased from 16% to 14% over the two-year period.

Hollis reiterates,” MAPS is an indispensable strategic tool in decision making, providing the ability to track shifts in behaviour and consumptions patterns of the South African consumer. Our vision for MAPS is to help business’ make better decisions.  It has been designed specifically for marketers, media strategists/planners independently from any commercial interests. Our goal is for MAPS to be the single source of consumer data that marketers and agencies can rely on.

Thank you to our users and subscribers, stakeholders, the MRF board, the volunteers and Plus094 Research in this massive undertaking for getting MAPS published on a quarterly basis.”

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The Power of Mental Availability in Public Relations

Public relations is all about managing perceptions and building strong, positive associations for a brand in the minds of key audiences. Two important concepts that PR professionals should understand are mental availability and distinctive assets.

What is Mental Availability?

Mental availability refers to how easily a brand comes to mind for consumers in a particular context. Brands that are highly available are the ones that pop into people’s heads immediately when thinking about a particular product category or need. For example, Kleenex is highly mentally available when someone thinks of tissues.

Mental availability is shaped by things like advertising, word-of-mouth, publicity, and overall brand exposure. The more exposure a brand gets, especially when linked to relevant associations, the higher its mental availability.

Why Mental Availability Matters in PR

Mental availability is important because people are most likely to choose brands that readily come to mind. If a brand is not top-of-mind, it may be overlooked.

Public relations activities like media relations, events, and community engagement all help increase a brand’s share of voice. The more a brand is talked about, featured, and shared in the news, online, and in person, the more available it will become mentally.

Distinctive Assets Set a Brand Apart

While mental availability gets a brand into the consideration set, distinctive assets set a brand apart from the competition. Distinctive assets are the unique, positive attributes that consumers associate with a brand. This includes things like product benefits, features, style, innovation, values, and personality.

For example, Volvo is known for safety. FedEx is associated with reliable overnight shipping. Apple is distinguished by sleek, innovative product design.

In PR, identifying and emphasising a brand’s distinctive assets in messaging and communications helps reinforce its differentiated image. This establishes the brand in consumers’ minds as superior on the dimensions that matter most.

Leveraging Distinctive Assets for Impactful PR

Here are some tips for leveraging distinctive assets in impactful PR campaigns:

  • Identify the brand’s single most important distinctive asset and make it central in communications. Stay focused on reinforcing this key strength.
  • Find creative ways to showcase the brand’s distinctive assets through press releases, media pitches, events, speaking engagements, and partnerships.
  • Use storytelling to bring distinctive assets to life. Share stories about how real customers have benefited from the brand’s unique strengths.
  • Train spokespeople to effectively communicate the brand’s distinctive value in interviews.
  • Develop key messages that focus on the brand’s differentiators rather than generic claims.

Mental availability and distinctive assets are two cornerstones of strong brand positioning. By focusing PR efforts on these areas, brands can stand out from the competition and effectively shape public perceptions over time.

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The Importance of Networking in Business

In today’s interconnected world, the importance of networking in business is more important than ever for business success. Networking essentially refers to developing and leveraging relationships with other professionals to help achieve mutual goals. While some view networking cynically as schmoozing and exchanging business cards, it actually serves a vital purpose – networking is the fabric that holds the business world together.

Without networking, it would be extremely difficult for businesses to find new clients, hire qualified employees, generate referrals, and form strategic partnerships. Networking enables professionals to connect with others, build trust and rapport, share ideas and insights, and uncover new opportunities. In other words, networking fuels business growth.

There are several key reasons why networking serves as an essential glue in business:

Finding New Customers and Clients

Networking allows business owners and sales professionals to meet prospects and decision-makers that can eventually become customers. Attending industry events, joining associations, and leveraging personal connections are all networking strategies that can generate new business.

Recruiting Top Talent

Networking enables HR professionals and hiring managers to source qualified candidates. People often find jobs and new career opportunities through their networks. Engaging in networking while employed also keeps professionals abreast of new roles and openings.

Building Strategic Partnerships

Networking facilitates partnerships between businesses by connecting complementary companies. Potential channel partners, retailers, affiliates, and other collaborators can all be found through networking initiatives.

Gaining Insights and Advice

Connecting with knowledgeable professionals through networking provides valuable insights and advice. Mentorship relationships, mastermind groups, and advisory boards are networking-based arrangements that enable the exchange of strategic guidance.

Increasing Visibility and Influence

Building a strong network elevates visibility and sphere of influence, boosting credibility. Thought leadership and personal branding efforts rely heavily on networking to engage audiences and get recognized. See how an external PR agency can assist with increasing visibility and influence.

The importance of networking in business cannot be overstated. While networking was historically limited to in-person channels like conferences and social gatherings, connectivity has exploded thanks to digital platforms. Social media, online communities, and professional networks like LinkedIn have made networking easier and more efficient.

In summary, networking serves as the lifeblood of business. Forging meaningful connections, fostering relationships, and tapping into networks provide access to the people, resources, and opportunities necessary for organisations to survive and thrive. That is why networking will always be the essential fabric holding the business world together.

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MAPS®, the latest data, to be released on 31 July 2023

The Marketing Research Foundation’s (MRF) has announced that the latest iteration of MAPS (Marketing All Product Survey) data will be released on Monday, 31 July 2023. The media and advertising industry is invited to participate in a general release webinar on Thursday 3 August 2023.

The July release will once again deliver insights into a national survey of 20 000 interviews which includes insights into respondents’ brand interaction across more than 3 376 brands.

The MRF’s CEO, Johann Koster, emphasises the significance of this release as it presents a valuable chance to conduct a thorough analysis of two full calendar years. “This enables MAPS users to gain a plethora of valuable insights as we monitor evolving consumer behaviour, transitioning from the impact of Covid restrictions to the current economic downturn.

MAPS is the largest and most comprehensive consumer survey of its kind in South Africa and offers a holistic and detailed view of consumer behaviour across media, banking, insurance, clothing, groceries, alcohol and many more,” confirms Koster, “What makes MAPS so relevant is that all data collected is from the same space and time, representing specific consumer and household views.”

Space and time are very important considerations when consolidating consumer data. Consumer behaviour is largely a consequence of external factors and the environment within which consumption decisions are made. Consider how quickly consumer behaviour changed during and after the Covid pandemic. The subsequent economic downturn has ushered in a period of volatility and uncertainty for consumers, resulting in further shifts in behaviour. Consumers are adapting, re-prioritising, and making changes in their day to day lives and MAPS provides the unparalleled ability to track these changes over time.

“Marketers and agencies have found MAPS to be a powerful and strategic tool in its depth of sample, data diversity, frequency, scrutiny and all the processes that govern its implementation”, concludes Koster. “In this regard MAPS is unequalled in its capacity to be a sole provider or used in combination with other data.

The MRF together with our partner Plus94 Research look forward to sharing this information with the industry on Thursday, 3 August 2023.”

MAPS July Release Industry Webinar

When: Thursday, 3 August 2023

Time: 10:00

Where: Webinar (

For additional information on MAPS –

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The International Marimba & Steelpan Festival is back

The International Marimba & Steelpan Festival is back, celebrating African rhythms and global unity

Education Africa is delighted to announce the highly anticipated annual International Marimba & Steelpan Festival will take place over the weekend of 29 and 30 July 2023 at St Dominic’s School for Girls in Boksburg. This vibrant event celebrating African rhythms and global unity, brings together like-minded performers, educators, and enthusiasts from around Africa and South Africa.

International Marimba & Steelpan Festival showcases the rich cultural heritage of Africa

The Education Africa International Marimba & Steelpan Festival offers a unique platform to showcase the rich cultural heritage of Africa and South Africa and foster global unity through marimba and steelpan music. It has become a hallmark event in the South African marimba community, attracting participants from diverse backgrounds and age groups. The festival provides a dynamic platform for young musicians to share their skills, learn from experienced mentors, and explore the captivating rhythms of marimba and steelpan music.

280 performances by young people at The International Marimba & Steelpan Festival

Attendees will have the opportunity to witness over 280 performances by young people from all over South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Zimbabwe. The festival will feature a range of activities including back-to-back competitions, performances by professional musicians as well as over 90 workshops in various disciplines including gumboot dancing, marimba and steelpan playing, djembe drumming and even some fun workshops for our very little people aged 3 to 8.

The universal language of music

“Through the universal language of music, the festival aims to promote cultural exchange, appreciation and understanding,” says Joan Lithgow, Director of the Festival. “Participants will engage in collaborative sessions, fostering connections that transcend borders and nurturing a sense of unity among diverse cultures and communities. Social cohesion is at the cornerstone of what we do at Education Africa and this Festival is social cohesion in action.”

Education Africa, the organisation behind this festival, has a long-standing commitment to advancing education and empowering youth through the arts. The Marimba & Steelpan Festival is one of the organisation’s flagship initiatives, aimed at fostering creativity, social cohesion, nation-building, self-expression, and cross-cultural understanding among young musicians.

Creating sustainable educational opportunities for disadvantaged communities

As part of its broader mission, Education Africa seeks to create sustainable educational opportunities for disadvantaged communities. The festival serves as a fundraising platform to support the marimba project which supports over 2000 children on a weekly basis learning to play marimbas in 37 Education Africa Marimba Hubs.

Joan expresses her excitement in uniting musicians and music enthusiasts from across Africa for the Education Africa International Marimba & Steelpan Festival. She anticipates that this event will once again serve as a source of inspiration and empowerment for young musicians. Moreover, she eagerly awaits the presence of spectators and music lovers who can provide encouragement and upliftment to the performers.

International Marimba & Steelpan Festival

Where: St Dominic’s School for Girls in Boksburg

When: Weekend of 29 and 30 July 2023

The Education Africa International Marimba & Steelpan Festival promises to be an extraordinary celebration of music, talent, and cultural diversity. Join us for an unforgettable experience that combines the infectious rhythms of Africa and South Africa with the harmonious melodies of the Caribbean.

For more information about the festival, registration details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit

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Public perception is everything

In the fast-paced world of media and advertising, public perception is everything. How your brand is perceived can make or break its success. That’s where the art of Public Relations (PR) comes into play. PR has the remarkable ability to shape public opinion and change the way people perceive a brand or industry. In this blog, we will explore how PR can be a game-changer in the media and advertising industries, with real-life examples showcasing its transformative power.

Building Trust and Credibility

In an era of scepticism and information overload, building trust and credibility is essential. PR plays a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining a positive public perception and reputation for media and advertising companies. By effectively communicating key messages, sharing success stories, and highlighting industry expertise, PR professionals can instil confidence in consumers and stakeholders.

In 2018, Nike launched a controversial advertising campaign featuring former NFL player Colin Kaepernick. While the campaign faced backlash initially, Nike’s PR team strategically handled the situation, highlighting their commitment to social justice issues and empowering athletes. The campaign not only changed public perceptions but also led to an increase in sales and brand loyalty.

Crisis Management

The media and advertising industries are no strangers to crises. Whether it’s a product recall, a PR scandal, or a negative news story, how an organisation manages a crisis can make all the difference. PR professionals are skilled in crisis communication and can swiftly and effectively address issues to minimise damage and preserve reputation.

Influencing Public Perception and Opinion

PR has the ability to shape public opinion by strategically influencing media coverage and controlling the narrative. By leveraging media relationships, crafting compelling stories, and utilising social media platforms, PR professionals can shape public perception to align with their client’s goals.

Dove, a leading personal care brand, launched the “Real Beauty” campaign to challenge societal beauty standards. Through thought-provoking advertisements and collaborations with influential voices, Dove succeeded in shifting public perceptions and promoting a more inclusive definition of beauty.

Thought Leadership and Expertise

Establishing thought leadership and positioning key individuals as industry experts can significantly impact public perceptions. PR professionals can secure media opportunities, speaking engagements, and byline articles to showcase expertise, driving credibility and respect within the industry and among the target audience.

Rebranding and Repositioning

When a brand needs to change its public perception, image or reposition itself in the market, PR can be a powerful tool. PR professionals can develop strategic campaigns that highlight new brand values, showcase innovation, and communicate the brand’s evolution to alter public perceptions positively.

Eleven examples of how brands changed their negative public image.

In the media and advertising industries, where public perception is paramount, PR can be a transformative force. By building trust, managing crises, influencing public opinion, establishing thought leadership, and facilitating rebranding efforts, PR professionals have the power to shape how the public perceives brands and the industry as a whole. Through strategic PR campaigns and effective storytelling, media and advertising companies can change public perceptions, enhance their reputation, and drive long-term success. A prime example is establishing the Marketing Research Foundation (MRF) Marketing All Product Survey (MAPS) single-source data as the single source of truth in the South African media and advertising industry.

Remember, the art of PR is a continuous process that requires adaptability, creativity, and strategic thinking. Embrace the power of PR, and watch as public perceptions evolve, unlocking new opportunities for growth and success in the dynamic world of media and advertising.

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10 Benefits of Collaborating with a Niched PR Agency for Media Agencies and Owners

In the dynamic world of media, building a strong client base and fostering positive perceptions in their respective target markets are crucial for the success of media agencies, media owners, and creative agencies. Partnering with a specialised and in particular a niched PR agency can be a game-changer in achieving these goals. This blog explores ten key benefits of working with a niched PR agency to drive client acquisition and cultivate an outstanding reputation.

1) Targeted Industry Expertise

Brings in-depth knowledge and understanding of specific industries, such as marketing, advertising, and media. This expertise allows them to develop targeted communication strategies that resonate with the intended audience, resulting in increased client acquisition for media agencies, media owners, and creative agencies.

2) Amplifying Brand Image

By working with a dedicated agency, media entities can craft a strong and positive brand image. The agency’s strategic media placements, thought leadership opportunities, and compelling storytelling help position the clients as industry leaders, building trust, credibility, and loyalty among potential clients.

3) A niched PR agency has an Extensive Media Network

All agencies should have well-established relationships with journalists, editors and industry insiders. By leveraging these agency connections, media agencies, media owners, and creative agencies can gain maximum exposure through media coverage, further enhancing their visibility, reputation in the target market and getting their stories heard.

4) Tailored Communication Strategies by niched PR agency

This type of PR agency understands the unique challenges and opportunities within specific industries. This enables them to create customised communication strategies that effectively convey the clients’ message and value proposition to the target market, fostering a strong connection and attracting new clients.

5) Crisis Management and Reputation Enhancement

In times of crisis, a niched PR agency plays a vital role in managing media perception and protecting the reputation of media agencies, media owners, and creative agencies. Their expertise in crisis communication ensures that any negative publicity is swiftly addressed and mitigated, preserving the clients’ brand image.

6) Thought Leadership Positioning

Position media entities as thought leaders within their industry. By securing opportunities for speaking engagements, expert panel participation, and industry-specific publications, the agency showcases the expertise of their clients, leading to increased market recognition and client acquisition.

7) Strategic Content Creation

Content creation is a cornerstone of effective communication. The development of high-quality, industry-relevant content such as media industry news, press releases, blog posts, whitepapers, and case studies is essential to resonate with the target market. This content not only attracts potential clients but also establishes the agency as a valuable resource.

8) Social Media Management

In today’s digital age, social media presence is crucial for media agencies, media owners, and creative agencies. A niched PR agency can manage social media platforms, curate engaging content, and interact with the target audience, strengthening the agency’s online reputation and expanding their client base.

9) A niched PR agency offers Seamless Integration with Marketing Efforts

Collaboration ensures seamless integration between PR and marketing initiatives. By aligning messaging, branding, and communication strategies, media agencies, media owners, and creative agencies can create cohesive and powerful campaigns that leave a lasting impact on their target markets.

10) Measurable Results and ROI

A niched PR agency understands the importance of measuring results and demonstrating return on investment (ROI). By employing robust analytics and reporting tools, they provide media entities with quantifiable data that showcases the success of PR campaigns, solidifying their reputation and attracting new clients.

Partnering with a niched PR agency offers numerous benefits for media agencies, media owners, and creative agencies. From targeted expertise and brand amplification to extensive media networks and seamless integration, the advantages are undeniable. By leveraging the unique strengths of a niched PR agency, media entities can expand their client base and create exceptional market perceptions, setting the stage for long-term success.

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